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Integretel,Inc. RIPOFF ALERT

Site Added:4-26-04

They rip you off through your phone company

This very thing just happened (4-26-04) to us (same company). I researched the company that ripped us off and this is what I found. It can happen to you.


so many more reports on this same company

After reading it you should contact your phone company and have a 'third party block' added to your services (it's free).

Also double check that they add the block- I did and the block was not added the first time (go figure).

I was stunned to learn today that any company can contact 'your phone service' and claim you signed up for their services and you end up getting a charge (on your phone bill) for services this company claims you signed up for either through the internet or phone line.

My phone company informs customers of services they offer for a charge..but they do not tell anyone of a free service that will keep them from being billed by a scam artist(unless you ask..hum).

This block is not the same one as you may have to keep long distance companies from switching you over without your permission.

If you have been ripped off by this company you can file a complaint to:

1. Attorney General of your state.

2. FTC at

Check out these related pages news: CFA Alert: Integretel

Palmer Township Community Web Site

The Complaint Station for Integretel



Now go get that 'Third Party Block' on your phone

Guestbook added:4-26-04

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Keywords to use in search to find this company ripoff alerts information online are... (or bookmark this page) Integretel,Inc., ripoff companies, BellSouth, phone companies, Residential voicemail, World Web Access,third party block,Integretel

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