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Randy Watters Beliefs

On The Trinity

" 5% of WT sources are generally Unitarians, Christadelphians, Spiritists, agnostics, and other invalid sources of Biblical truth."

Why are all unitarianism here lumped with agnostics and fundamentalists Christadelphinas?

"Invalid sources of Bibical truth."? Doesn't that sound like something the JW org would say?

Intersting Quote:

" The Governing Body always manages to find someone who agrees with them on some things; but they do not examine the credibility of such sources."

True..but could not the same be said of fundamental Protestants?

On Respecting Everyone's Right To Believe In Living On Earth Or Going To Heaven...

Reprint of the Mar/Apr 1988 Bethel Ministries Newsletter

"Why All Christians Go To Heaven"

by Randall Watters

"Maybe you are saying, "I don't have the desire to go to heaven. I would rather live on a cleansed earth." So what if we have no desire to go to heaven? Obviously we have been feeding on the wrong spiritual food."

The Fundamental Protestants often complain that JW's are religious bigots cause they remove their heavenly hope and say you can only live on paradise earth...But, is that not what Fundamental Protestants do in reverse? Are THEY not "religious bigots' for taking Bahia, or Native American groups beliefs in life on this restored earth away? And replace it would a Heaven-Is-'THEE'-ONLY'-Hope belief?

Secondly, is THIS not what Randy Watters here seems to be promoting?

Facts About Randy

Was a Foursquare pastor for years.

He got along fine with, the late Walter Martin.

Anyone who is cozy with Walter Martin can not truley be considered Progressive or a non-fundamentalist. Nor can they be viewed as one who support religious tolerance.

Has been on Prime-Time TBN, various radio shows including D. James Kennedy and others.

Now that's scary! TBN and James Kennedy are fundamentalist from the far right!

He speak in tongues.

Pentacostal Fundamentalist?

Met Chuck Smith (Calvary Chapel) personally.

Calvary Chapel has is a strong supporter of Walter Martin.

Attended John Wimber's congregation many times , long before he got the chain of Vineyards going.

Both Vineyard AND Clavry Chapel, like SB and JW's ban women from being pastors/elders.

Read About The Calvary Chapel's Issues Here
John Wimble & Vineyard Churches
Read Randy's Views On Non-Trinity Faith Groups....This web page goes on scroll down till you find the subheading, "JW: THEIR ARGUMENTS AGAINST THE TRINITY? "
Randy's Views On Heaven Being The Only Choice
Read Randy's Past Connections With Fundamentalists
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