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'NOT' A Good Witness For Jehovah...JW Women Writes Letter To Newspaper Brags About JW's Refusing To Work With Other Faiths To Help Feed Hungry

This is a letter that A active Jehovah's Witness from Simi Valley Califoria sent to the Ventura County Star Newspaper...

One religion not in group

Re: the Rev. Anthony Guillen and Rabbi John M. Sherwood's Aug. 31 commentary, "All faiths unite to fight local hunger":

If The Star is interested in clarity and confirming to the truth, then please don't say "all faiths."

Jehovah's Witnesses are not a large force locally, but we are 6.5 million strong throughout the world We don't have any interfaith dealings with any other religion, albeit a well-meaning and harmless one such as fighting hunger. On the other hand, we Witnesses have, as a group and as individuals, helped many due to our love of God and mankind.

I just don't personally want people reading this headline to think all religious groups are united in this work.

I appreciate The Star's sensitivity in this matter.

-- Linda Cotton, Simi Valley


Linda Cotton is not giving a good witness for Jehovah by this comment. The way this comment read it sounds likes she is bragging about JW's not wanting to work with any collection of people other than there own group, even to help feed the poor.

Why is she bragging about this? It's sounds snobby. Is she saying that she will not help the hungry unless or untill they prove themselves to be active JW's? Does this sound very Christian? The unforuant part of this is people claiming to be followers of Christ say ignorant things like this and then we they get negative feedback they start crying that they are being mistreating simply for being followers of Christ, and that Christ said this would happen.

But this is not about being mistreated because one follows Christ or because one witnesses for Jehovah. Rather, this is a case that one gets a negative reaction simply because they said the wrong thing and did NOT, "Season their words with salt."

When religious individuals say things like this, that is, they sound as if they are bragging they they would not be caught dead working or inner-acting with people of 'other' makes it sound like they think they are better than everyone else and as if they were to inner-act with individuals outside 'their' own faith..they they would risk getting spiritual koodies.

Do you think Jesus would make a person study the Bible before agreeing to hand out food to the needy? Do you think Jesus would be affraid to work with believers of others beliefs to help feed the hungry?

11:37:08 a.m. on September 6, 2005

Chica Lynn:

Vineland AKA Crimeland, New Jersey

Posted: Sep 6, 2005 8:02 PM

...not being allowed to donate money for a worthy cause because its helping the 'world' is something that has always bothered my conscience ...people get so caught up in that 'holier than thou attitude. I think I've heard it all... 'why would you want to help the 'world', when you can donate money to the 'society' and let them distribute it as they see fit'...(mainly for the 'preaching work.) This just doesn't seem right to me...


Yes.."The world'.

With JW's it's "wordly people"

It the old days of America the used to call them "Heathens"

With the Evangelical Protestants they call them "cults."


Orlando, Florida

Posted: Sep 7, 2005 7:08 AM

Chica Lynn Wrote: ...not being allowed to donate money for a worthy cause because its helping the 'world' is something that has always bothered my conscience ...people get so caught up in that 'holier than thou attitude. I think I've heard it all... 'why would you want to help the 'world', when you can donate money to the 'society' and let them distribute it as they see fit'...(mainly for the 'preaching work.) This just doesn't seem right to me...

That's something that's bothered me too. And then they pat themselves on the back for all the good they do (in the magazines), just like the 'world' does. Difference is, the worldly organizations don't differentiate between JW's and other people in need. They don't ask you if you're a Southern Baptist or a Catholic first. They just extend a helping hand and worry about saving your soul later. :o)

I heard through one of my friends that they read a letter to congs. on Sunday that there was no loss of life among Witnesses due to Katrina. How do they know that already????? Did you ever get the feeling that a lot of what was published/read was just spin?

Chica Lynn

Vineland AKA Crimeland, New Jersey

Posted: Sep 7, 2005 6:05 PM

I know it, just doesnt seem 'christ like' if ya ask me...thats interesting that they know for a fact that no witnesses have lost their life due to Katrina...most people havent even been able to find their own family members yet...I guess they want everyone to believe that they are on top of things and are taking care of 'their own'...

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