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A message from Beverly Nichols, Founder of The Narrow Way Mission.

To You:
If you would like to become an active part of The Narrow Way Mission go to: Narrow Way Mission and join the diverse and caring individuals who make up our on-line ministry. All you have to do is be available, and God will take care of the rest! If you have an instant messenger (MSM, ICQ, AOL, YAHOO) it would be helpful, but not nessessary.

Gather together, in Christian love, to plant the seeds that build the Kingdom of God via The Narrow Way network.

We are branching out over the world wide web, linking back to vital information and the Narrow Way Group. We make ourselves available, as a point of contact, in order to help teens find local assistance.

In the future we will have "Open Homes", a place for the abandoned teen to live and be cared for.

In March of 1996, I got serious about God. It was the same week of the National day of Prayer. I participated in the “See You at the Pole Day” with the Dawson McAllister Live radio show. My prayer that day was, and still is... “Lord Jesus, my friend, I ask you, ‘What fruit am I to bring forth? What am I to do?’” The answer came quickly... ”The fruit of the Spirit comes to those who follow and keep the commands of God. That is what you are to do. The burden is light, and the path narrow as the Son of Man. Follow Him and He will guide you. Do that which is good and righteous in the eyes of God, not that which seems right unto man. For the way’s of man are not His way’s." Amen I did have to watch, wait, learn, and grow, before God confirmed within me that I was on the right track. Confirmation came through prayer, using Gideon as my example (Judges 6:37-40) I prayed “God if this is what you want me to do have my pastor, Steve Petty, say ‘Is it time?’ “ That very Sunday, Steve’s whole message was ‘It Is Time!’ God’s faithfulness to us over the years astounds me! I praise Him that He answers so quickly! Some days I wish I could go back to that first year, and complete what I started then. But, that was not Gods plan, or timing. Now it is the time, and God has a plan...Its up to me, and you, to put the pieces together to create a ministry worthy to be called His. I look forward getting to know each one of you and finishing the puzzle that is this ministry, and my life. I trust that together we can accomplish what God started back in 1996.

Many thanks go to Nancy Alcorn of Mercy Ministries of America Mercy Ministries for her dedication to the cause and inspiration. I also wish to thank ChooseLife/Sav-A-Life of North Alabama (see bookmarks), for continued efforts and crisis counselor training program. and to my Father in Heaven, for the willing hearts of our members support.

May God Bless your individual efforts to build The Narrow Way.

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