In order to do a KA you must have a contract signed by one of the following: the ruler, KA regulator, vice president and grand judge. If the contract does not have a signature on it then the contract is considered invalid by Scorned standards. There is no time limits on contracts. You get two attempts to fulfill a contract before it is null and void. Attempts are:
1. Failing to achieve HTK
2. Being spotted and the target fleeing

If an KA is invalid, then the contract is dead. Once a contract is used, it is null and void in Scorned.

Kidnappers do have to registered in Scorned. In getting your reg, you have to submit a mock as per charter, meaning entering the room and everything, and then Mock KA the Kidnap Coordinator. As of the new charters, you do have to file a contract in Scorned for a KA attempt. Not doing so and continuing to KA, will means fines and/or execution. Thank those who abuse the right of kidnappers, we feel this will add some control to those who kidnap anyone. To commit a kidnapping and not properly registered for it is means of dismissal down to execution in Scorned. IF you fail a KA, you are subjected to an assassination if that person(s) decides to get even. Just a warning. ONE log, the lines have be gotten at one time, not a series of logs, only one log with 25 lines in it. OOC lines won't count, neither will lines that are obviously OOC, but are done without brackets, they MUST BE IC LINES.

If the target chooses to flee, they must leave the room immediately. This does not mean, rp leaving and staying OOC and having a little bash fest. This means leaving the room till the kidnappers is gone, via OHing out. Once an KA has gone to an KASM, the fighters' dice reverts back to their normal guild dice, whatever they may be. If you OH back into the room, before the kidnappers have finished the KA scroll, ex: Target fleed, KA over at ( date ) ( time ), the kidnapping can still continue with the kidnappers, No IC line needed.

In all strikes in the KA, or KASM, SNs must be stated atleast once, even if it is in brackets. Or just state the SN instead of the characters name, but it must be posted in every strike.

All enhancers and regs must be stated in profile/webpages in order for them to be valid. If, you have just recently gotten the enhancers, a valid reciept will work, but you have one week from the date you recieve the enhancers to put them on the web. Or, if you have a web server that is down, the reciept will work, but you can not break the web link in your profile because you forgot to post them in your web. You may offer a link to your web when stating your information, if you do not have the room in your profile for the link, but you must state in your profile to ask for the link if needed.

A failed KA attempt is worth 50 exps and a successful one is worth 2'000 exps. All logs go to Original syns [temp]. The uses for kidnapping are storylines, ransom, and just used as means to get away from shit. One enhancer may be used in an KA and that is either perception or stealth. The kidnapped does not have to go along with any sexual or violent acts that happen within the kidnapped period they are held. All KAs, failed or successes, must be submitted to the KA coordinator. They are valid upon her validation. A kidnapper does have to enter the room and the target has to give atleast one OOC or IC line to make sure they are in the room before the KA call can happen.

You can be in Scorned and not accept KAs. A person is allowed 2 BGs in an KA. If the BG passes perception, they may warn the party about to be snatched or they can ignore it. If the party that is being kidnapped spots their attacker, meaning they got perception, then they have the option to flee or to fight an HM which goes to 150 with highest Scorned guild dice.

Once you are kidnapped, the state can last up to 5 days mun time. After 5 days, you can be set free or if for storyline purposes, fight to be free. If you fight to be free, it is HM which goes to 150 with highest Scorned guild dice. Kidnapped means you CANNOT enter any other rooms but the one your kidnapper has placed you in, you CANNOT participate in any MSes or spars and you CANNOT link people to the PR that the kidnapper has left the character in. Kinda defeats the purpose if you do eh?

Ransom can be gold and enhancers but NOT exps, contracts, or elementals. Dice for perception roll in Scorned is: d20 to 100: 2d20.

As you can see, you use only 2d of your dice for the KA. If the kidnapper wins the HM, then he/she can take the party out, going per terms of the KA. If the kidnappee wins, then the kidnapper is slave for 12 hours to them.

Tarnished Envy: (Scorned KA on TelalDth, Kidnapper
Tarnished Envy #66966, state BGs, dice and perception
Tarnished Envy: enhancer, 5 minutes to roll, time 5:05 AM EST June 13, 2002)
Tarnished Envy: (+1S Cloak of Sin)
Scythe Of Hell: [BG]
Tarnished Envy: (BG state enhancer)
Scythe Of Hell: [+1 Eyes of Chaos]
Tarnished Envy: (Roll 2d20, 2 to see kidnapper) OnlineHost: Scythe Of Hell rolled 2 20-sided dice: 7 16
Tarnished Envy: (Fail, BG sees nothing, target state enhancer and dice)
TelalDth: (+1 Trench Coat, perception)
TelalDth: (4d90)
Tarnished Envy: (roll 2d20 to see kidnapper, 2 to see)
OnlineHost: TelalDth rolled 2 20-sided dice: 10 9
Scythe Of Hell: ·•¤^v¤ 0 was rolled by TelalDth ¤v^¤•·
Tarnished Envy: (Failed, KA going down, 18 needed)
Tarnished Envy: ::ties 'em up in a bag and drags him out::
OnlineHost: Tarnished Envy rolled 2 90-sided dice: 79 33
Scythe Of Hell: ·•¤^v¤ 17 was rolled by Tarnished Envy ¤v^¤•·
Tarnished Envy: (17/18 KA failed, fight or flee?)
TelalDth: (Umm... Flee!)
TelalDth: ::runs out::

Kidnapper's Hit Chart
d20 - d29:12HP
d30 - d39:10HP
d40 - d49:11HP
d50 - d59:12HP
d60 - d69:13HP
d70 - d79:14HP
d80 - d89:15HP
d90 - d99:18HP
d100 - d104:20HP
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