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Welcome to Just Jack, My very first wesbite created not using an html wizard. I made this all by myself. Consequently it's pretty simple at the moment, but I am hoping it will grow like a weed as I learn more about what i'm doing.

This is a website dedicated to Stargate SG1, mainly featuring Jack O'Neill because he is my favorite. On this site you will find (eventually) my Stargate Livejournal Icons and my Stargate fanfiction, along with other random ramblings of mine.

I am open to suggestions and comments about how I could improve my website and what I could add to it, as you may be able to tell i have no clue what I'm doing, but the text is appearing so that's a start.

Jack O'Neill Quotes

    O'Neill: I forgot to tape The Simpsons. It's important to me.

    O'Neill: The loons! Don't forget the loons!

    O'Neill: We didn't spring a leak. Although I may have just... taken one.

    O'Neill: Land of sky blue waters... loofas... "Ya sure, you betcha, snookums"... mosquitoes... home of the loon...

    O'Neill: You know that "we come in peace" business? Bite me.

    O'Neill: You know me, I'm a huge fan of subtlety, but that's downright encrypted.

    O'Neill: I'd like to apologize in advance for anything I may say or do that could be construed as offensive as I slowly go nuts!

    O'Neill: General, without meaning, this time, to sound like a smartass, are you cracked?