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My Home Page

The girls of 4A endorsing our favorite liberal arts college

Section 4A Christmas party

Who says blankets can't go to college? Kelly, Kirsten, Sarah and I with our bed buddies

Reunited in the Evelyn Young Dining Center after an entire summer of being apart

Top: Me, Eva, Kirsten

Bottom: Katie and Laurie

Chilling on the hand that randomly appeared out of nowhere for the Nobel Conference

Appreciation of Drama class with CPB--Best class of the semester!

Kirsten, LP and I showing our love for drama after completing our last paper

Katie and I at captain's practice--Fargo and Moorhead unite.

Karin, Beth, Ryan, Alyssa, and Evan couchin' it up at the Wet Spot

Kelly, Christy, Me, Sarah, Leah and Laura at St. Peter's fine dining establishment, Ruttles

Sarah, Me, Laura assuming our first ever pyramid position in good old substance-free 4A!

Sarah, Laura and I--hehe

Karin, Katie, Beth and Alyssa sporting the popular flower caps, complete with chin straps for added support during intense synchronized swimming routines

Gustavus Swim Team in Waikiki for New Year's Eve! We really were tan!

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Gustavus Adolphus College
