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Coach Fran Sucks - - ROLL TIDE!

Vote Big Al for Mascot of the Year!!
I guess everyone would like to know if what they are hearing is real or not. YES it is! Everyone in Tuscaloosa knows that Coach Fran's cell phone number was posted outside The Corner Store late last week. Sadly his phone has been disconnected now. Anyways, a friend of a friend of a... figured out the pass code to his voicemail. Dumbass had never changed it from 1234! So this person figured out the pass code and changed it, then changed the outgoing message (featured below). After that, we had full access to do whatever we wanted. And we felt that the public should hear the overall reactions. ENJOY!
Coach Fran's Voicemail Messages

Modified Outgoing Message
Jim Dunaway
Jerry Cox
Ray Perkins
I'd Give My Left Nut...
ESPN #1 person
Head Coach Comments
More Head Coach Comments
One Student's Reaction
Another Student's Reaction
What Should I Do With All Of Those Bobbleheads? and New Job Offer From Texas
Clinton Is A Saint
Alabama Folks
This is not funny.... my ass!
Git yo mo fo bread
Salutations and Greetings
Jimbo - Good ole boy
Viagra Prescription Pick-up

Pictures and Other Links:

Send some pictures or other Fran-bashing sites if you have them and I will post them.
Great Fran Pictures!!! (read their guestbook too!)
DKE Sign
Namath and Stabler!
Eat Me
Fran Has Fun
Fran or Jacko?
Show Me The Money
Raise The Roof
Not Fran-bashing but really funny

ROLL TIDE ROLL!! Tell your friends about this site if you liked it.

get this gear!

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