The Hives - Declare Guerre Nucleaire
We wanted to start the album with a riff song. The lyrics talk about being bored and that something has to happen. Its also about a Nuclear War. We chose the title because of the big noise of the song.

Die, All Right!
The first song we recorded for the album and also the first single. The decision was not that difficult because every song could have been a single. But we just felt inclined towards this one. Its about problems, like basically every song on the album. Nothing worked properly before we recorded it. We want to be better than all other bands, we take our art very seriously. We also want to keep the music simple, that’s why our albums are short. We play down-the-line rock and roll and in a way it’s harder to make good simple music than complicated music. 30 minutes is the perfect format.

A Get Together To Tear It Apart
This song talks about the recording of the album and what happens after that. This is the first goal: “I made history honey, and got “please do it again” – This is the record company telling us make another record quickly. This song is supposed to sound like old punk rock songs with way too much drums.

Main Offender
The song is all about our attitude, appearance. We are young and arrogant, that’s what we’re best at and that’s what you have to do(what you’re best at). We buy our clothes cheap and change them ourselves. You know how it is: You know exactly how it should look, but you can’t find the clothes anywhere.

This is a b-side from one of our first singles but our record company thought it was too good for a b-side, so we re-recorded it. In theory its not a very good idea to re-record a song because it always looses something. Someone who doesn’t know the first version won’t recognise it, but to our ears this new version sounds a bit strange.

Hate To Say I Told You So
Our current single, the second slowest song on the album. It’s the ‘hit’ of the record. The lyrics sound cool. Sometimes you find words that fit really well together but they just don’t make any sense.

The Hives - Introduce The Metric System In Time
This corresponds with the first song on the record. In the late sixties and then in the seventies , the first song on the B-side was the best song on the record. It was always a feeling of what the band was about. During recording we always had the feel that time was running away from us so we would rather have 100 hours in a day than 24. That’s four times as much.

Find Another Girl
It’s a cover(Mayfield, Butler). We just started playing it and it arose from that. We could do stuff like this a lot in the future. A new record could take a while though. We would rather make a good record every two years than two average records a year. That’s why our records are really thought out. More bands should (think about the records more) than just to chuck heaps of songs onto the record.

This deals with time. The title sounds like an old punk-rock song. But this song deals more with the handling of issues in a personal sense rather than the control of government. In the middle is a James Brown Part.

Inspection Wise 1999
These lyrics make absolutely no sense. A riff-song from our drummer. The whole song is based on the drum beat, (a good idea), it takes us ages to come up with these ideas sometimes.

Knock Knock
This was supposed to be the opening song on the record, but somehow we decided against it. Sometimes we use as the opener live. This track has the most differing parts out of any song on the record, many bridges etc. It also has a great bass line. Its fast and straight but grooves as well.

Supply And Demand
What you need and what you don’t need. This song is about problems, with the boss your boyfriend or girlfriend. A real good song to end a record with. That’s really important, because if you have a bad song at the end the rest of the record is forgotten.

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