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Frontline Evangelism Blog
Wednesday, 5 October 2005
Frontline Evangelism
Topic: About this Ministry
* Welcome to the Frontline Evangelism website *

Vision for this Ministry

Statement of Faith

I am a soldier in the Army of God and I am under orders to "go and preach the gospel to every creature" I was trained in the Marine Corps to be a frontline soldier and now, I will train others to do the same for the Kingdom of God. Our Mission:The Great Commission.

Just like the picture of Moses and the Ten Commandments, we use the Ten Commandments to bring knowledge of sin. We want to see everyone worshipping Jesus and not the golden calf. The Ten Commandments will lead you to the foot of the blood stained Cross where Jesus took our punishment. The golden calf will lead you to Hell.

"Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature"
Mark 16:15

"But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea and Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth
Acts 1:8

but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence; 1 Peter 3:15

Why use the Law in Witnessing?

Frontline Evangelism is here to equip you to be on the Frontlines. I have put on this site tips and articles to equip you to be on the Frontlines(One 2 One witnessing) in the streets, on the job and around the block.

We are here to help you be a more effective witness on the Frontlines. We are commanded to go.... We must witness around the block and around the world. It is time for you to be responsible and enlist today. You have been given your marching orders so get out on the Frontlines and witness...........

God has given me a mission to do open-air preaching and also to go out and seek the lost.

Frontline Evangelism has seven major areas:

(1) Train Christians to fulfil the Great Commission(Witnessing)using the Creation in Genesis and the Law(Ten Commandments) in One 2 One Evangelism.

(2) We must build strong and happy Marriages and will include articles and biblical principles to do just that.

(3) Train and guard our youth from worldly influences by education and practice. Please go here!

(4) Respond to anti-christian attacks from the media, TV, Newspaper etc.

(5) To stop the anti-christian organization ACLU from trampling on our Christian rights and the freedom to worship and acknowledge God.

(6) Abolish Racism!

(7) Share a Biblical Worldview with everyone.

WE must realize that these seven areas are where we need to be Frontline Soldiers.

We must be in the Word and Prayer at all times.

The Ministry was founded by:The Will of God in which he put this ministry in my spirit...

Evangelist Oscar"Chip" Broome

An Evangelist warns people about the dangers to come, and explains to them why they must 'put on' Jesus- He is the only One who can save us from certain death.

How we do the first five purposes!

Statement of Faith

Website Disclaimer

How to abolish racism go here!and Here!

Now a little about me:

My name is: Oscar F. Broome Jr

My Testimony

I completed Courses through Cathedral University in which one of them was called the Pastors Manual, Basic Bible Course.

Other courses:
How to Develop a Biblical Worldview, Leven-Like Evangelism, Teaching Techniques, and more.

I was associate Pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Tuscumbia, Alabama for two years. This is a fundamental independant baptist church.

I was also a Youth Pastor.

Then I felt like God was calling me to a different church where I would be ordained as a Minister.

I was ordained 29 June 2003 through The Father's House Church.

I graduated from The Way of the Master, the School of Biblical Evangelism, 25 May 2005.

I am an Evangelist and do open-air Preaching and One 2 One Witnessing in public places via Parks, Stores, Workplace, Marketplace and at local events.

I am also a GNN seedsower and use a lot of their article's and resources on this Website.

A safety tip: Internet links may contain other links or material which do not reflect my Christian views or yours. Please choose wisely and use with discretion!

I have upgraded my Website and that should get rid of any ad that may be offensive. I would caution you on the links I provide that they may have offensive ads and I apoligize in advance for any you may have to see because they may not have no control over their ads unless they upgrade as I have.

Posted by al4/cornerstone at 11:55 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, 24 April 2006 7:46 AM CDT
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