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To make this website a more complete resource...we need contributions! Here is a list of what we need...

  • Brittany Photos
    - Dogs of all dogs and pets!
    - We're hoping to get representitives of all the color patterns of the Brittany. Orange/White, Liver/White, Roans, Tricolors, etc.

  • Articles
    - Any dog-related subject will work! Please send it in. Even if your not a very good writer, I can edit it and format it just fine. Full credit is given to you the author. Specifically I'm looking for subjects that average dog owners will be looking breaking, basic obedience, getting started in specific sports, hunting, etc.

  • Contributions to our Link List (your own link or one you like)
    - Add your link instantly by clicking here!

  • The most important thing you can do is become a member of our forum. The forum was created because in just about every breed, there is a great forum for newbies to go and ask questions. To my knowledge there is nothing like that for the Brittany. So the more members we have contributing, the more help can be provided for that new owner who doesn't know what to do about a teething puppy, or doesn't know what crate training is, etc. Go and read the forum here!

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