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The Happy (sad) girl

There once was a girl who was happy
Someone made her Feel that way,
Now she sits alone in her house by the lake,
Forgotten by the one who "Would always be there,
But things change day after day.
He loved me once; or so he said
His actions spoke louder than words
Now once again he changed over night
scattered like so many birds
I thought I could depend on him;
but too late I found I can't
I gave him all I had go give
He gave so little, his words were so scant
He's left me alone to live.
If only I'd known he didn't mean what he said
I'd never offered him my soul.
Now he's gone… it was so easy for him,
The heart that once beat in my chest is now
A big open hole.
I surprise myself by what I'm saying now
I never though I'd be so insane
If ever he wanted to come back to me,
I'd take him just like he came.
Now I live in the house by the lake
All alone with nothing to give.
For you can't give your self to another,
When he really forgets who you are.
His lies and pretending are all he has now
Which somehow he blames all on me. I led him
on oh it was all a game,
Seduced is the word he would use because
then he assumes no blame.
A Love I once knew
A Love he never did.

Beverly (cissie) Edmonds

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