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Since 1987 I have been living with two kinds of disabilities. One which is called a "hidden disability, and the other is a disability that is visible but not noticed such as the loss of a limb or the loss of eye sight. You would not notice the one that is visible unless you where around me for a period of time and then you still might not notice it. The other one, the reason I say it's hidden, it's not a disability that is visible to the eye. This kind of disability is very real and affects all aspects of your life in many ways.


The hidden disabilities that I live with are called "Chronic Pain", "Arthritis","Osteoarthritis," "Arachnoiditis", and "Spinal Canal Stenosis." Most of these disabilities stem from an accident that happened on the job. These types of disabilities you live with for the rest of your life. They change your life and your families in every aspect. There are millions of us that live with these types of disabilities every day.


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