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Welcome to my World! I would like to take this time to welcome you to my site again and sincerely hope that you will enjoy reading these pages!
As you know my name is Lacresia or Angeleye to some of you that know me here on the internet. I have introduced you to many wonderful pages here on the internet, and I debated long and hard on where to open up my heart to reveal and share these personal topics with you. I am hoping that if one person becomes a bit more educated or leaves after learning something by me sharing some of my experiences, then it was a positive decision on my part to share it here on the internet.


We all can say we have lived our own personal hell in one way or another, I can truly say that I have lived mine, and continue to live it every day, but with that said I can say that I am a true Survivor!


As I tell you my story I will try and give you as many details or explain it to where you will understand. There are alot of us here in the general public who are ignorant to some of things that I am going to mention here and do not understand it. These people can be cruel , intolerant and don't believe you. If they only knew what that person was going through or even attemped to walk a mile in there shoes they might understand.


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