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As people went to work that Tuesday, it was just a normal day
Everyone was in a hurry, didn’t have too much to say

Living life at such a fast pace, stress and pressure everywhere
No one had time to visit, time to show how much they cared

Then the unthinkable happened, lives were changed upon that morn
As the planes crashed into the buildings, a new spirit here was born

No more will we take for granted family, friends, all those we love
Each day we vow to remember as the eagle flies above

We pray for those innocent victims, who had done nothing wrong,
We thank God for this great country and ask for courage to be strong

As our nation comes together and we draw our loved ones near
This tragic day will be remembered when the Eagle shed a tear

~ Sue Ikerd ~
2001 ©used with permission
If you would enjoy using this poem just click on
Ms. Ikerd name to request permission.
NON-POSTCARD ~ PERSONAL sites only please.


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"In memory of those whose lives were lost: September 11, 2001"

September 22, 2001