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i'm sorry to announce this, but for the time being, there will not be updates, or just a select few. the website will remain open, and depending on the time i have, i'll update. i have several authors who emailed me their fanfics and i'm hoping that i'll be able to put those up eventually. again, i'm sorry and i hope to be able to continue soon. you can still send me fics for consideration, but i'm not sure when they'll be up.


sorry it has been a while since my last update, but i've been really busy
lots of updates, even more to come:
[ Bring Me Back :alely7: Chapter 7 ]
[ Sitting Ducks, Kissing Ducks :alely7: Chapter 2 ]
[ Feelings Resurfaced :otownroxx: Chapters 14-15 ]
[ Once Before :ssandd: Chapter 1 ]
[ Nobody Said :oregano: Chapters 2-3 ]

new authors and fanfics will be up soon

i'm home sick from school, so i wrote [ Bring Me Back ] and a new fic called [ Sitting Ducks, Kissing Ducks ]
[ Bring Me Back :alely7: Chapter 6 ]
[ Sitting Ducks, Kissing Ducks :alely7: Chapter 1 ]
[ Without You :kate: Chapters 3-4 ]
[ Feelings Resurfaced :otownroxx: Chapter 13 ]

[ Poking Normalcy In The Backside :oregano: Whole fic---Chapters 1-14 ]
some fanart is back up, more is coming!

[ And All We Are :kate: Whole fic---Chapters 1-4 ]
[ Without You :kate: Chapters 1-2 ]
[ Mescolando Benne :emjai: whole fic---Chapters 1-6 ]

i've made some minor layout updates, but now there is a direct link to the directory and a link for submissions, which i am still looking for
the directory is now completely done
[ Feelings Resurfaced :otownroxx: Chapter 12 ]

i've added a directory! i've only just started it though...the whole thing will be up soon.
here is how to work it:
on the fanfiction page, simply click on the actual titles of the fanfics and it will bring you to a new page (be sure not to 'X' the page accidentally) and there will be some pertinent information including where to review, story rating, summary, and the status
be sure to check it out, and let me know what you think, even though i have only the first 4 stories up there (in alphabetical order)...enjoy! :)

ugh school tomorrow, updates might be restricted to weekends, or major updates at least
[ Nobody Said :oregano: Chapter 1 ]
[ Freshness Of Being :oregano: Chapters 1-3 --- whole fic ]
[ Thankstaking With Impressive Wingspans :emjai: Chapters 1-4 ]
[ Feelings Resurfaced :otownroxx: Chapter 11 ]

i've got to update some more before i have to go back to school on monday, boy has this break flown by...
anyway, updates:
[ Consider This :emjai and oregano: Chapters 1-17 --- whole fic ]

happy new year!! i'm just gonna be updating like crazy tonight:
[ True, Forever, Perfect :kate: Chapters 1-5 ]
[ What It's All About :kate: Chapters 1-5 ]
[ A New Day Has Come :kate: Chapters 1-4 ]

hope yall had a great holiday! some updates, lots more on the way this week:
[ Bring Me Back :alely7: Chapter 5 ]
[ Feelings Resurfaced :otownroxx: Chapters 9 and 10 ]
[ Can Love Last? :LIVE2WRITE: Chapters 1 and 2 ]
[ I Wanna Be With You :LIVE2WRITE: Chapters 1-6 ]
[ Playing With Fire :CaraMiaMilo: Chapters 1-7 ]
[ Don't Leave Me... :lauren peoples: Chapters 1-5 ]

some updates, more to come:
[ All The Pretty Horses :snlgurl: Chapter 3 ]
[ Bring Me Back :alely7: Chapter 4 ]
[ Feelings Resurfaced :otownroxx: Chapter 8 ]
[ Mixed Emotions :otownroxx: links fixed ]
[ One Of Those Things :laurestina: whole fic now up ]
merry christmas!!!!

yay! i'm out of school now so i'll be working on my fanfics, fanart, and updating!!!! new frontpage, please tell me what you think. and look out for these authors who'll be up soon: oregano and emjai
and the fics from other authors will finally posted. so much to do, so little time. thanks for your patience and i'm still working on links.

a button is now available for linking. please send me your site to add to affliates. i've added some new authors, and i'll be adding their complete fics as soon as exams are over. and lastly, i've been fixing links so it doesn't take you back all the way to the beginning, but it's a slow process and i'm still working on it after many hours. please remain patient. danke. there probably won't be many updates for the next week, sorry.

welcome to the new layout. i'll be working on graphics and fixing it up soon. i'll also be adding more authors and fics soon, after exams are over. just a little heads up: sometimes the links from chapters will bring you back to the main page---not this one. i'm working on it though. thanks for your patience.

.feel free to link [ literati :: perfection ].



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