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Business Owner and Mother

Greetings from Florida !!! I was born in Quebec City, Canada, I have lived in Charlotte, NC via residencies in New York, New Jersey, Hawaii, and the San Francisco Bay Area of Northern California as well as other countries.

Personally, I am the mother of two married daughters, one married son and the grandmother of two grandsons and one grand daughter.

I own a website consulting and design firm which creates and maintains internet websites for businesses.

Prior to becoming self-employed 7 years ago, I held a variety of management positions in the insurance and healthcare industries (doctors offices).

I also sell my oil paintings on the Web, as well as my "spa" recipies. In addition, I plan to market some of better recipies, mainly good Italian sauces.

Though not Italian myself, New York Italian-Americans taught me to cook, and so I cook "the real thing" with my own unique twist.

Having switched from the slavery of employment to the freedom of self-employment, let me give some free advice--if you have been "laid off," a euphemism for victim of a corporate massacre, or if you are overwhelmed with anxiety about potential job loss, it's time to start your own business.

My personal agenda calls for all of my children to be happy in their lives, and one other major thing. I am an adopted person. Now while my adoptive parents were excellent (they are deceased), the mystery of who my biological parents are remains unsolved.

Since I was born in Quebec City and placed in an orphanage there, then adopted by an American couple from New York, I seek to unravel this riddle. If, by remote chance, anybody can give me leads, please do by e-mail. In fact, contact me by e-mail for leads in this mystery.

You can contact me at