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In misty dreams I see, thou art in my arms
Whispering you love me, stirred by maiden charms
Deep within my heart, passion readily flows
Gentle radiance, inner warmth, a distant beacon glows

Castle Camelot we enter, standing by your side
A knight in shining armour, heart filled with pride
Dancing close together, hearts so very near
You I love so dearly, my Lady Guinevere

I now take my leave, travel fields of green
Searching for answers, to a mystical dream
Seeking the legend, this my quest
To hold Excalibur, strength, the only test

Excalibur entombed, firm in solid stone
Deep within its heart, proudly, stands alone
Astride the rock, summoning my might
Within its granite body, its force I fight

Therewith, strength prevails, Excalibur now free
Holding to the skies, my dream I now see
Soft ripples on calm water, form on tranquil pond
Reaching out you beckon, through hazy mists beyond

If only I could see your face, whence, I knew you came
Emerging from dark waters, calling out my name
Excalibur I throw, you clutch it with such power
Grasping it so gently, as though, a delicate flower

Returning to the deep, mystic lady of the lake
Through calm waters, Excalibur you take
Turning, going forth, along a dusty road
No longer possessing, that mystical sword

My Lady Guinevere, looks, from castle walls
Passion in her eyes, my love, she softly calls
From sleep awoken, no knights or round table
Was it all a dream, fact, or just fable?

Is Excalibur a legend?
A story sometimes told
About a knight from Camelot,
Who's love, you now hold