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Name: Selystra
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Height: 5'
Skin Tone: Extremely Pale
Build: Slender
Eyes: Hazel Brown
Hair Color: Platinum Blonde
Hair Length: To Low Back and Curly
Occupation: Holder
Siblings: None
Parents: Widowed Father
Origin: Harper Hall
Pets: 1 Blue, 1 Gold, 1 Bronze, and 1 Green Firelizard

Personality: Selystra is very introvertive due to her very limited interaction with other people. She's extremely restless as well since she hates having to stay at home. Her years of watching people from afar has made her very perceptive. She's rather well-read since she's done very little besides read. She hates being alone, but people scare her a bit since she has so little experience dealing with others. She loves her firelizards, especially since she can chat freely with them. She also loves music, having spent her entire life within easy distance of the Harper Hall.

History: Selystra was the only child born to her farmer father and his wife. Her parents had struggled to have children and were delighted when Selystra's mother became pregnant. Her pregnancy, however, was extremely difficult, and giving birth to her daughter took her life. Selystra almost didn't make it either. For the first several sevendays of her life, she was very ill. Even after she recovered, she often had relapses, and her health was forever indifferent afterwards.

The death of his wife caused Selystra's father to be extremely protective of her. She was the only thing left of his wife, and he wanted to protect her as best he could. So, Selystra grew up completely isolated from other people for fear that her weak system and indifferent health would cause her to fall ill if exposed to other people. At first, she didn't mind. She loved her father and enjoyed spending time with him. He always did his best to make sure she was entertained since she couldn't play with the other children. Her father made sure that she was able to read and provided her with all the reading material she could want. It was rather easy with the Harper Hall nearby.

Between reading and the company of her father, Selystra was well off in her own mind for many turns, but as she grew older, she began to long for friends. So, with the help of his connections at the hall, he was able to get his daughter a firelizard egg. The small egg hatched several days later into a lovely blue flit, which Selystra named Yean.


Selystra was completely delighted with her new friend, and he kept her focused on something besides her own weak health. She eagerly read all that she could about firelizards and dragons, and her father was happy with the effects of his gift. Still, Selystra couldn't help but watch the other people in the small hold and wish to be amongst them.

Over the years, Selystra's health improved slowly, but she still had relapses occasionally. So, her father refused to let her out of the house except on really warm days, and even then, he insisted on accompanying her. She also acquired several other friends.


Because of her health, Selystra's father never considered a craft for his daughter. She, however, often thought about going to the Harper Hall though she wasn't sure what she would do there. She knew she was no musician though she had a deep appreciation for music, but since the hall was close by, she thought perhaps her father might agree to let her go.

All of her plotting on how to persuade her father was needed much sooner than she thought though. Searchriders arrived at the Harper Hall and had decided to Search the holds nearby. There were a lot of eggs that needed candidates, and despite the fact that she knew her father would disapprove, Selystra joined with the other hopefuls in line. To her great surprise, the riders asked her to go with them. It took a lot of work on her part and on the riders' to convince her father. He eventually agreed though, and Selystra left for the weyr.

Selystra bonded with Ruby Amethyst Winged Jadez!


Name: Jadez
Species: Mixed
Gender: Female
Color: Ruby Amethyst Winged
Size: 55' Long
Parents: Gold-Red Yetinanra x Red Clouded Glitz Ahdrez
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleport, Verbal Speech, Fire Magic, Cheer, Surprise
Features: Paws, Armor, Decorated Crest, Fin spine back, Feather-like wings
Restrictions: Prefers bond, Enjoys shiny things
Bond: Selystra

Selystra's firelizards are from Aneris Weyr.
Selystra is a candidate for the 2012 Red and Green Frenzy.
Backgrounds by Marie