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Name: Leros
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Height: 5'8"
Skin Tone: Very Pale
Build: Really Thin
Eyes: Hazel Brown
Hair Color: Blonde
Hair Length: Cropped Short
Occupation: Servant at Weaver Crafthall
Siblings: 1 Younger Brother
Parents: Married
Origin: Weaver Crafthall
Pets: 1 Brown Flit

Personality: Leros is a fairly happy-go-lucky teen when left to his own devices. He is rather sensitive as he takes after his mother, and he also likes to gossip like her. His main goal in life is to live as peacefully as possible. His manners are fairly good, having worked as a servant alongside his mother. He enjoys reading and is terrified of dragons. He doesn't get along with father since he isn't following in his footsteps and instead helps his mother. He was bullied into standing for the clutch by father

History: Leros was born as the oldest son to a well-known tailor father and a servant mother. He was rather sickly as a child, and his mother always took excellent care of him. Because of this, he grew up really close to his mother. Since his father was a master at the Weaver Crafthall, he was often absent, so Leros grew up with a softer personality like his mother.

As he grew older, he began to help his mother in the dining hall of the Weaver Crafthall where she worked. His father greatly disapproved of this since he wanted his oldest son to follow in his profession, but he was too busy at the time to really oppose it. Unfortunately for him, Leros enjoyed working with his mother and the chit chat of the news and gossip of the other men and women that worked with her. Eventually, he became a permanent fixture there despite his father's disapproval.

At one point shortly thereafter, Leros's father tried to bribe him into studying at the Weaver Crafthall with a firelizard egg. The plan, of course, backfired, but by the time his father realized it, the egg had already hatched into a lovely brown flit. Leros's father was furious on the occasion, but there was little he could do.


When Leros had just fifteen turns, Searchriders came to the hall looking for candidates. While he did his best to avoid them at all cost, his father discovered him and forced him to stand in line with the other hopefuls. To his horror, he was asked to go to the weyr, and his father bullied him into accepted the offer. All he can hope for is that any dragon he Impresses will be patient and not scary.

L'ros bonded with Green Winged Red Ruvouth!


Name: Ruvouth
Species: Pernese Mix
Gender: Male
Color: Green-winged Red
Size: 28' Long
Parents: Red Winged Green Ananth x Red Fuburroth
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleport, Fire Breath, Cheer, Snowmelt
Features: Claws, Split Tail, Ears, Horns
Restrictions: Pernese, REQUIRES Humanoid BOND
Bond: L'ros

Leros's firelizard is from Aneris Weyr.
Leros is a candidate for the 2012 Red and Green Frenzy.
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