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Name: Kerilia
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Height: 5'5"
Skin Tone: Fair
Build: Rail Thin
Eyes: Golden Brown
Hair Color: Auburn
Hair Length: To Her Shoulders and Fluffy
Occupation: Apprentice Healer
Siblings: 1 Older Brother, 1 Younger Brother, 1 Older Sister, 3 Younger Sisters
Parents: Widowed Mother
Origin: Large Hold
Pets: None

Personality: Kerilia is a very typical Lord Holder's daughter. She's rather vain, selfish, and spoiled. She's also rather lazy. Despite all of this, she makes freinds easily, most likely because of her status. She's very polite to those that she thinks deserve it. She has a short attention span and is distracted very easily. One of her most redeeming qualities is that she really cares about her family.

History: Kerilia was born and raised as a Lord Holder's daughter. She grew up spoiled and selfish, but she was a fairly loving child, especially where here family and friends were concerned. She had a fairly happy childhood until sickness struck her hold when she had twelve turns. It passed in a matter of a few sevendays, but unfortunately, it took two of her younger siblings and her father with it.

The deaths of three of her family members really affected Kerilia. She hated the fact that she had been absolutely powerless, which was certainly something that she wasn't used to. So, over the next couple of turns she began to research different healing plants. She wanted to make sure that nothing like this ever happened again.

Eventually, Kerilia decided to attend the Healer Hall. She wasn't the most studious individual, but she thought if she was really going to try to prevent such a tragedy from happening again, she needed more information. Her older brother, who had taken on their father's role for the most part completely disapproved. In his opinion their father wouldn't have wanted such a thing, and it wasn't right for Kerilia to become a healer. His plans for her were a prosperous marriage that would strengthen the hold, but Kerilia, used to having her own way, completely ignored his opinion completely and left for the hall.

Kerilia didn't progress very quickly. She was often distracted and enjoyed going to visit nearby holds and gathers more than studying. Even after four turns at the hall, she was still an apprentice. However, further studies were cut short when Searchriders came to the hall to look for candidates, and Kerilia was one of the few chosen to stand for a rather unusual clutch. Thinking she might have more luck learning at the weyr, Kerilia agreed and left for the chance of Impression.

Kerilia bonded with Red Weohtgath!


Name: Weohtgath
Species: Pernese Mixed
Gender: Female
Color: Red, Red Velvet, Light Markings
Size: 21' Long
Parents: Foliage Green Yerpiverth x Light Court Red Nroath
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleport, Verbal Speech, Fire Breath and Fire Magic, Cheer
Features: Paws, Spade Tail, High Crest, Long Horns
Restrictions: Pernese Origin, Prefers Bonding
Bond: Kerilia

Kerilia is a candidate for the 2012 Red and Green Frenzy.
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