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Name: Kalentai
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Height: 6'
Build: Thin But Muscular
Skin Tone: Fair
Hair Color: Light Brown
Hair Length: To His Ears
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Occupation: Harper
Siblings: 1 Older Brother, 2 Younger Sisters
Parents: Married
Origin: Medium-Sized Hold
Pets: 1 Blue Firelizard

Kalentai hummed to himself as he strode through the hallways of the harper hall. His little blue firelizard, Fuyu, was in his usual spot on Kalentai's shoulder chirping along. Kalentai smiled and chuckled to himself as he reached up to stroke Fuyu's eyeridges. Trust him to have a harper blue firelizard that enjoyed music. Was there any other pet on Pern that would have fit him better?


Kalentai continued to hum to himself until he reached the practice room he'd been assigned that morning. He was still a bit early it seemed, but he hadn't been the first to arrive. "Good morning, Kenthyun," he greeted with a big smile for the other journeyman.

Kenthyun looked up from the music he was studying. "Morning," he replied coolly before turning back to his music. What in the world was Kalentai doing here?

Fuyu hissed angrily at the other man. Kalentai could never quite understand it, but his firelizard seemed to detest Kenthyun. "Fuyu, behave, or go back to the room," he ordered the blue flit before turning back to Kenthyun. "Sorry about that. I have no idea why he's like that with certain people."

"Don't worry about it," Kenthyun answered, not bothering to look up from his music this time. He could guess that the firelizard could probably sense his distaste for Kalentai, which was why it didn't like him at all.

The blue flit hissed a second time and wrapped his tail firmly around Kalentai's neck. "Fuyu, stop it. You're choking me! I need my voice to remain intact, you know," he complained as he finally managed to pull the flit's tail off of his throat. Fuyu hissed angrily one last time before vanishing.

Kenthyun couldn't help but snort. How was it that Kalentai was lucky enough to Impress a firelizard but couldn't even control it? He guessed some people simply had all the luck in the world while others, like himself, had to work for every step they gained in life.

"Sorry about all of that," Kalentai apologized again since it seemed Kenthyun was a bit miffed at the whole firelizard issue. "I'm really excited that we finally get to work together. Aren't you," he asked with another huge trademark grin.

Kenthyun choked and did his best to cover it as a cough. "Work together," he managed to gasp out in shock before his sister's appearance saved him from having to reply further.

Kenthera did her best to catch her breath. She'd been running late that morning and had run full out to try to get to the practice room on time. "Am I late," she gasped as she grabbed Kenthyun's shoulder with one hand and clutched her side with the other.

Kenthyun rolled his eyes. "I guess after all these turns, you still haven't learned how to judge time," he commented dryly, earning a smack from Kenthera.

"Good morning, Kenthera," Kalentai greeted with a smile. "I think you've arrived in plenty of time. Even Jeranmo and Master Nordin aren't here yet."

"Jeranmo," Kenthera repeated with a blank look on her face. "Why is he coming?" As far as she knew it was just the three of them performing this song.

Kenthyun shook his head before jabbing his finger at the top of Kenthera's music. "Honestly, don't you bother to actually read the title of the piece or perhaps who wrote it?"

Kenthera stared down at her music for a moment before finally saying, "Oh." She flushed a mild shade of red in embarrassment. How could she be so dumb and in front of Kalentai, too!

"I believe Tiani and Shinyoran will be joining us as well," Kalentai offered in order to overcome the awkward silence that had followed Kenthera's discovery. The slightly younger woman was rather nice, and he hated seeing her or anyone feeling so uncomfortable. He wasn't sure exactly what he thought of her brother though. Kenthyun was very well known as a talented vocalist, but he also had a reputation for being rather snide.

"Tiani," Kenthyun repeated with a bit of a half smile. Maybe this morning wouldn't be a total loss after all. She was one of the few people whose company he didn't mind.

Kenthera, on the other hand, couldn't help but frown. "Great," she muttered to herself. So, once again she would be the only apprentice present. That was going to be tons of fun. She especially didn't like Tiani. The older woman was her direct competition for Kalentai's attention, and her brother didn't seem to mind her either.

"Did someone call," the woman in question asked as she opened the door to the practice room. "I thought I heard voices out here."

"Tiani," Kalentai exclaimed in surprise at her appearance. "When did you get here, and how did you get into the practice room?"

Tiani blinked up at the much taller musician. "I arrived about half a candlemark ago. I wanted to go over the music a couple of times alone. As for how I got in, I opened the door. It wasn't locked," she stated with a shrug as she opened the door wider to allow the others inside.

Kenthyun couldn't help but snort slightly at Kalentai's face. He looked completely embarrassed and lost as to what to do. "So, how many times have you already gone through it," he asked Tiani companionably as he stepped inside the practice room.

"Just twice," Tiani replied as she went back to her seat. "It's rather complicated and long, but this is Jeranmo we're talking about. So, I guess it's no real surprise though I feel bad for whoever has the first guitar part."

"I think that would be me," Kenthera declared as she slumped into her chair. She had only briefly glanced at the music as she'd been running towards the practice room. As she took a closer look though, she groaned.

Kenthyun shook his head at his sister. "You didn't look at the music really, did you," he stated more than asked. That was just like her.

Tiani raised an eyebrow at the younger woman. "Seriously? You're going to have a rough time then. I guess, though, that you're not really familiar with Jeranmo or his crazy composing style since you're still an apprentice."

Kenthera glared daggers at Tiani's back as soon as it was turned. What was that supposed to mean? She was good enough to be invited to perform! She'd show her! She flipped the page in her music and began to study in earnest.

"Don't worry, Kenthera," Kalentai offered to comfort her. "I'm sure you'll do just fine. Otherwise, Master Pelen wouldn't have chosen you, right? Plus, if you have any trouble with some of the trickier parts, I'll help you," he finished with a smile before lowering his voice and leaning in closer, "and if necessary we can switch parts for certain passages if you want. No one will ever know."

Kenthera turned a bright shade of red as she did her best to stutter out an answer. "Thanks," she finally managed before the door opened again for Jeranmo, Master Nordin, and Shinyoran.

"Ah, I'm glad to see you're all here," Master Nordin stated as he took his place at the front of the room with Jeranmo. "I trust you've all looked over the piece, so let's get started."

Kalentai considered the next three candlemarks to be rather torturous. While the five musicians were all very talented, they had never performed together, so trying to coordinate had been quite an obstacle for all of them. On top of that, he was used to singing the melody, and now he was supposed to sing the harmonic line instead while playing the second guitar part. Needless to say, it had not gone very well. By the end of the session, Kenthyun's voice was rather hoarse, and the rest of the musicians were stretching cramps out of their hands and arms.

"Oh that Jeranmo," Tiani complained with a roll of her eyes as she stretched her fingers. "Just how big does he think my hands are? That fingering was impossible for any normal person! I had to move double time and do some serious pedaling just to even attempt to get the sound right!"

"The fingering," Kalentai asked as he tilted his head and pursed his lips. "I didn't notice anything unusual in it."

"That's because you have gargantuan hands lust like Jeranmo," Tiani responded with a snort. "Meanwhile I'm working with these tiny little things," she continued holding up one of her small hands. She grabbed one of Kalentai's with the other and held it up to hers for comparison. "See the difference," she stated as her small hand was dwarfed by his. "Yeah, this is not okay," she finished letting go of his hand. "I ought to strangle him with one of my harp strings."

For once, Kenthera agreed with her. Although she had farely large hands for a girl, she'd had to seariously stretch for some of the chords Jeranmo had written in her part. Luckily though, she hadn't been expected to sing at all. That had been a plus.

"Are you threatening to strangle me with your harp strings again," Jeranmo asked Tiani as she gathered her music. "I believe you have done so a few times before as well, but I have yet to find one actually around my neck."

"That's because it would be an insult to my harp," Tiani snapped at him. "I just don't understand why you can't write something normal people can play."

"It wouldn't be my music then, and you know that I take my music very seriously," Jeranmo answered in a quiet steady voice. "Besides, you've managed things like this before, so I'm sure you'll pull through this time as well," he finished before making his exit.

"He's right," Kalentai agreed once Jeranmo was gone. "I'm sure you'll manage to figure it out. I mean you managed far better than I did for sure."

"That's only because I had practiced beforehand because I knew it was his piece. Otherwise, I would have been in the same situation as you," the woman replied with a shake of her head. "I know it'll be fine. I do. I'm just grumpy because I haven't eaten. Let's go grab some lunch," she stated before heading for the door.

Before Kalentai could follow her, Kenthera stopped him. "Since we'll be leaving tomorrow, I was wondering if it would be okay if you and I rode on the same dragon," she said hastily as if she had to get the words out as quickly as possible.

"Umm...sure. That's fine with me," Kalentai answered with a shrug. He didn't really mind who he was riding with. It's not like the trip would really take that long.

"I don't think so," Kenthyun nearly croaked with his strained voice. "You'll ride with me Kenthera. Otherwise, you're likely to fall off in between, and then what would we do?"

"Oh, that would be awful," Kalentai agreed fervently. "We can't have that, so maybe it is best that you ride with your brother. I had no idea that that might be an issue. It's best to be safe, don't you think?"

Kenthera's mouth opened and closed several times before she finally managed to say, "Yes, it is, I guess." Then, Kenthyun grabbed her by the arm and led her out of the room.

"Well, I'd best be on my way as well. I have to get back to the hold," Shinyoran stated with a firm nod. "A future Lord Holder's work is never done, you know, but I'm happy to do it," he finished before making his exit.

"Hey, Kalentai," Tiani called as she poked her head back into the room. "If you don't hurry up, I'm leaving without you. I'm starving!"

Kalentai hurried after the slightly younger woman even as he chuckled to himself at her insistance that they eat. As his own stomach gave a large grumble, however, he had to agree with her. It was time to grab some lunch.

"Sheesh! That Jeranmo," Tiani said with a shake of her head as they entered the dining hall and waved a servant over. "He'll be lucky if any of us can play at all this evening!"

"Do you know Jeranmo well," Kalentai asked as casually as he could manage. It was obvious even to him that the two had an odd relationship between them. "I've seen him around a bit, but I've never really talked to him."

"I don't know if you would say I know him well," Tiani replied thoughtfully as she munched on a meat roll. "It's not like he and I are best friends or anything. I've just had to work with him on several projects over the last couple of turns, so I'm used to him and his style of music."

"Ah, I see," Kalentai stated trying not to show his relief. He was pretty sure he already had one person to contend with in Kenthyun. He didn't need another. As soon as he began to eat, Fuyu appeared above him and settled on the table next to his plate. "Ah, I guess it's lunch time for you as well. Here," he said giving the firelizard a meat roll. "You really didn't do that badly, you know, earlier," he offered to keep the conversation going.

"Eh," Tiani answered shrugging it off as she did her best not to stare at the pretty blue flit. "Like I said before, it's only because I knew what to expect, so I looked over the music thoroughly this morning. I even missed breakfast, which is why I'm so hungry," she finished grabbing another meat roll.

"Wow, music before food. Now that's dedication," Kalentai commented with a chuckle since it was a well known fact that Tiani enjoyed her meals.

"It was more like miss breakfast or die trying to sight read one of Jeranmo's pieces," Tiani corrected as she left off on the meat rolls and began to eat some tubers instead. "Unfortunately, hunger was the better choice in this case. Believe me, it seldom falls that way."

"I couldn't agree more," Kalentai declared as he began to eat in earnest as well now that Fuyu was fed. "A good meal is absolutely necessary to keep up a harper's strength. It also provides a chance for good company."

"That it does, and when the chance presents itself, you might as well enjoy it," Tiani said with a grin before finishing her plate. "Make sure you eat all of that," she said pointing to his plate, "because you're going to need every bit of strength you can get later. See, he agrees with me," she added as Fuyu gave a chirp.

"Duly noted," Kalentai agreed with a nod as Tiani stood to go. "Are you leaving already," he asked a bit disappointed. He'd been hoping that they could sit and chat for a while longer. This kind of chance rarely came since they were usually on different schedules, so he'd been hoping to take full advantage of it.

"Yeah, I still need to actually pack for our trip. For some reason, I always leave it until the last minute. I"m not sure why," Tiani confessed with a shake of her head. "Oh, before I leave, you should know that it's next to impossible for someone to fall off in between. So, if you're planning on chasing after Kenthera, you should be careful because I don't think Kenthyun likes you that much. I'll see you later," she finished before quickly disappearing out of the dining hall.

Kalentai's face fell and dug the heel of his hand into his forehead. That hadn't gone the way he wanted at all. Why couldn't she see? It wasn't Kenthera he was chasing! Was it because he was the second son of a Lord Holder? Was that the problem? Maybe Tiani didn't even see him as a possibility since they were from different backgrounds. He knew she came from a much more humble background, but did that really make a difference? They were both harpers. Didn't that put them on level ground?

Kalentai sighed. He supposed there was no need to worry about such things now. There was still another practice later on to worry about, and there was always hope for something in the future. They would be at Sedona Weyr together for at least a few days after all. Perhaps something good might come of it.

With this last thought in mind, it was relatively easy for him to recover his decent mood. He was a rather optimistic person by nature, so he simply finished his meal before making his way back to his room to look over the music before the pactice that would take place that evening. If he studied the music enough, perhaps he could impress her with his dedication and hard work. If things went well, maybe they would ride together tomorrow, and if things went really well, he might be able to ask her to explore some of the nearby areas in between rehearsals once they arrived as Sedona Weyr. Now that sounded like a plan.

With his mood fully restored now, Kalentai whistled Jeranmo's piece to himself as he made his way through the halls towards his room with Fuyu firmly in place on his shoulder. Anything could happen, and Sedona Weyr provided ample opportunities for it to happen.

K'tai watched as Kenthera paced the length of the weyr repeatedly. He could tell the woman was on edge about the clutch, but it wasn't due to hatch for another sevenday. She was going to make herself sick if she continued on like this. "Kenthera, you're going to wear a hole in the floor if you keep that up," he finally commented with a bit of a laugh. "Just calm down. Everything's going to be just fine."

"So everyone keeps telling me," Kenthera snapped back. "I'm sorry, K'tai," she corrected herself. "I just can't shake the feeling that something is going to happen, and it's so cold. What if something happens to the eggs? Curse this weather!"

K'tai nodded his head in agreement as he mentally asked Adasauth to check on Hesperonth. The brown was very dependable if a bit snide at times. Once Adasauth had assured him that Hesperonth was fine and keeping the eggs extra close, he went to join Kenthera and put his arms around her.

"Hesperonth's not alone, love. She has Adasauth and the older dragons to help her. No one here is going to let anything happen to those eggs if they can help it," K'tai stated firmly before bending down to kiss Kenthera's cheek. "Now, let's go get you something to eat because if I know you, which I do, you haven't eaten at all today." He'd noticed her lack of eating and sleep over the past couple of days, and it was beginning to worry him.

Kenthera laughed. "You're right. I haven't," she admitted before giving him a smile as they headed out of their weyr and towards the Lower Caverns.

K'tai grabbed their coats as he left the weyr. They weren't planning on going outside especially with the blizzard still raging, but you never knew. Perhaps there was some truth behind Kenthera's feelings, and if there was, he wanted to be prepared.

As the two were just about to sit down at a table, the humming began, and they both received simultaneous messages from their dragons about the clutch. Kenthera bolted for the door, and K'tai followed right behind her.

"Kenthera, wait," the brown rider called after her. "You're going to freeze to death out there," he declared as he finally caught up with her and grabbed her arm. What was she thinking? He did his best to try to get her coat on her, but she wasn't cooperating.

"Let go of me," Kenthera demanded as she did her best to pull her arm away. "The clutch is hatching! It's not supposed to hatch yet! Something must be wrong!"

"Just calm down for a second," K'tai said as he continued to try to get her into her coat. "If you go out there like that, you're going to get sick and be of no use to anyone."

Kenthera nodded and took a couple of deep breaths as K'tai helped her on with her coat. He could tell she was terribly worried, and he wasn't indifferent to the situation either. He had no idea why the clutch would hatch so early, but they had to keep their senses if they were going to be useful. Once Kenthera's coat was on, she grabbed his hand and led the way quickly to the hatching sands.

The two made their way to places in the stands that would afford a view of all of the eggs. As soon as they'd reached their seats, K'tai took the opportunity to talk to his dragon. "Adasauth, do you have any idea what's going on? I though the eggs still had several days before they would hatch."

"If I knew anything, wouldn't I have already told you? They are my children after all. Perhaps it is the cold," Adasauth replied with a mental snort.

K'tai shook his head and rolled his eyes. Trust Adasauth to be sarcastic at a time like this, but it was probably due to his own concerns over the clutch. He took a deep breath and tried to calm his own nerves. All he could do right now was support Kenthera, so he put a comforting hand on her shoulder. There was nothing they could do now except wait. Luckily they didn't have to wait very long. Shortly after the last of the candidates stumbled onto the sands, the first egg cracked open to reveal a green hatchling.

"Isn't she lovely," K'tai commented with a grin at his weyrmate. "I told you everything would be okay," he continued as he gave Kenthera's shoulder a squeeze. Now that the Hatching had started, perhaps she would relax a bit.

"He," Kenthera repeated out loud with wide eyes as she turned to K'tai. "It's a boy," she said a bit dazed as she pointed to the green hatchling.

"A boy," K'yun said with a smirk as he shook his head. "Way to go, Kenthera! Only your dragon would clutch a male green. Oh, look! Now there's a red to join him," he declared with a laugh.

"When did you get here," Kenthera asked as she turned to her twin brother. She hadn't noticed him come in, and she didn't wait for an answer as she turned back to the eggs.

K'tai stared at the sands. There really was a red hatchling down there! How had that happened? He shook his head and shrugged. He could feel Adasauth's smugness over the crowd's reaction. "Pretty proud of yourself, aren't you," he asked the brown mentally.

"Of course! How many dragons do you know that could produce a red hatchling," Adasauth replied very proud of his son.

"Tiani and I came in shortly after you did. You never were the observant type," K'yun commented with a snort as he looked towards the sands. "Ah, now there's a brown hatchling! Is this one a girl?"

"No, he's perfectly normal," Kenthera snapped at her twin as the new pair walked off the sands.

"You had to check though, didn't you," K'yun asked knowingly as Tiani elbowed him.

"Don't worry, Kenthera. It doesn't matter what color or gender the dragons are. I'm sure they'll all be fine additions to the wings," she assured the other woman as K'yun rubbed his side.

"She's right," K'tai agreed as he mentally thanked the shorter woman. He and Kenthera's twin had an understanding, but they certainly weren't the best of friends. K'yun often got under his skin esepcially where Kenthera was concerned. "They're all healthy and strong, and that's all that matters."

Kenthera nodded firmly before turning to stick her tongue out at her brother. K'tai simply shook his head at her antics before turning his own attention back to the sands, but it seemed like none of the other eggs were going to hatch. Still the clutch had already surprised them, so he was sure that it wasn't over yet.

"Is that it? Are none of the other eggs going to hatch," Kenthera asked concerned.

K'tai didn't immediately reply as he scanned the eggs. "Look," K'tai pointed as two of the eggs began rocking. "It's not over yet. We just need to be patient," he stated with a smile since he knew patience was not one of Kenthera's strong points.

"Ah, it's another green, and yes, K'yun, this one is a girl," Kenthera stated with a roll of her eyes for her twin before he could ask. "But, the other one looks empty!"

K'tai cocked his head to the side as he stared at the egg. It obviously wasn't empty, or it wouldn't have broken open, but he certainly couldn't see any dragon inside either. He scratched his head as he continued to watch.

Tiani finally figured it out. "It's a black dragon," she declared with a bit of awe as she shook her head in disbelief.

Tiani's statement was echoed around the stands as the little black hatchling made his way to the candidates. Soon, however, the shock of the black hatching was lost in the normal blue and green hatchlings that followed. Another roar went up, however, as a purple hatchling was spotted.

"Purple," Kenthera squeaked with large eyes as K'tai's mouth fell open in disbelief.

"Well, Adasauth and Hesperonth are brother and sister, you know," K'yun reminded her. "So, maybe it really shouldn't be that big of a surprise."

"Oh my, you're completely right," Kenthera commented a bit horrified. "I'm so sorry, Hesperonth," she said out loud. "I'd forgotten you were brother and sister!"

K'tai couldn't help but chuckle to himself. He was pretty sure Adasauth didn't care one bit about the fact that he was related to Hesperonth. All that mattered to him is that he'd won the flight and now had wonderfully odd children.

"Next time," he heard Kenthera almost groan, and he had to chuckle harder. It seemed that Hesperonth was planning on future clutches. He had to wonder if Adasauth would win any future flights.

"Of course, I'll win, rider! I won this time, and I'll win again. Next time there will be many more hatchlings as well," Adasauth declared with confidence.

"Well, it looks like all the fun is over," K'yun said as he rubbed his hands together once the last new dragonrider pair had left the sands. "Too bad there wasn't a rainbow colored one," he commented sarcastically before patting Kenthera on the head. "Don't worry, Gallimith and Tsintaoth are bound to have multi-colored, spotted, striped little hatchlings. We won't be outdone for long."

"Excuse me," Tiani questioned with a hand on her hip as K'yun link his arm in hers. "Who said anything about Tsintaoth having a clutch, and what makes you think that she'd ever allow Gallimith to catch her," she asked as K'yun led her towards the feast that awaited.

K'tai watched the couple walk away with slightly mixed feelings. He'd always imagined that he and Tiani would wind up together, but that wasn't how things had worked out. Still, he wasn't sure how he felt about Tiani being with K'yun either, but now wasn't the time for such thoughts. He had Kenthera all to himself again. "Well, now that it's over, why don't we finally get you some food," K'tai asked with a soft smile for his weyrmate.

Kenthera nodded before heading down to the sands. "First, I have to visit the new mother," she declared as she headed for the gold. She patted Hesperonth's leg. "All of your children are wonderful even if they aren't very traditional," she assured the queen who was obviously tired.

K'tai waited for Kenthera to join him as he congratulated his own dragon on a wonderful Hatching. He didn't wait long though, and he heard Kenthera's stomach growl loudly as she approached. "Let's get you something to eat," he said as he took her by the hand and led the way back to the Lower Caverns.

K'tai has Impressed Brown Adasauth!


Name: Adasauth
Species: Pernese Dragon
Gender: Male
Color: Brown
Size: 32' long
Parents: Gold Qianith x Bronze Strekith
Children: Clutch #16 by Gold Hesperonth at Sedona Weyr.
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation, Assisted Firebreath
Personality: Dependable
Sociability: Sarcastic
Intelligence: Easily confused
Mating: Likes greens
Threadfighting: Dodges easily
Other: Enjoys music: May like to be a Weyrharper's dragon
Bond: K'tai

Kalentai is a candidate at Sedona Weyr.