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Name: Ituri
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Height: 5'
Skin Tone: Extremely Pale
Build: Really Skinny
Eyes: Gray
Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde
Hair Length: Fluffy and To Her Waist
Occupation: Lower Caverns Worker
Siblings: 1 Younger Half-Sister, 1 Younger Half-Brother
Parents: Green Rider Mother and Blue Rider Father
Origin: Weyr
Pets: 3 Flits

Personality: Ituri is a rather impatient person. She hates waiting for anything, especially new clothes. She can be quite selfish when it comes to her clothes because she chooses them very carefully and isn't about to share them. She knows she's very plain and uses her nice clothes to compensate for it to make her feel more confident. Despite her impatience, she's rather good with children and enjoys looking after them and teaching them although she has no real love of learning herself. She can be rather sarcastic at times particularly with people her own age and doesn't have many friends.

History: Ituri was born to a green rider mother and a blut rider father as the resul of a flight. She grew up with the other weyr children in the Lower Caverns and almost never saw her parents. Because of her small stature she was often mistaken for a younger child and was usually surrounded with those children younger than herself. This probably explains her great affinity for children in general and why she is so good with them.

Growing up in the Lower Caverns, Ituri never felt that learning to read was that important, so when it came time to study, she never really applied herself. Instead, she focused on learning the trends of the season. She loved going to nearby Gathers to see what new items the traveling merchants had to offer even though she could seldom afford to buy anything.

Because of her sensitivity about her height, Ituri developed a rather sarcastic edge to her personality especially for those her own age. She had very few friends outside her own younger half-sister, but she never really minded the fact. She was never lonely as she always had younger children to look after and care for. When she did have free time, she and her sister would often wander the beach together in search of firelizard eggs. They were very lucky once, and Ituri came away from the experience with three new friends.


Once her younger sister left for the Weaver Crafthall, Ituri began to focus more on working in the Lower Caverns. She couldnd't read, and she had no real natural talent for anything. So, it seemed like the best option for her. She spent her days helping in the kitchens and looking after the children until she was suddenly asked to stand for a clutch. She agreed immediately. To her, there was no higher honor than being a dragonrider, and she looked forward to showing everyone that she was up for the challenge.

Ituri's firelizards are from Aneris Weyr.
Ituri is a candidate at Sedona Weyr.
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