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Name: Hatheryn
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Height: 6'2"
Skin Tone: Lightly Tanned
Build: Average
Eyes: Bright Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Hair Length: Messy and Fluffy and to the Nape of His Neck
Occupation: Wanderer
Siblings: 1 Younger Brother, 1 Younger Sister
Parents: Married
Origin: Medium-Sized Hold
Pets: Flits

Personality: Hatheryn is a happy-go-lucky adventurer. He loves to travel and explore new places. He's very friendly and generous to those he comes across. He sometimes gets lost, but he's very optimistic and doesn't let anything get him down. When it comes to things he thinks are important, however, he can be quite stubborn. Generally though he's very easy going. He's not the brightest person in the world, but he knows enough to stay alive in the wilderness.

History: Hatheryn was born as the oldest son to a farmer and his soon-to-be wife. Unfortunately, he was not a very healthy child and often fell ill. His parents worried constantly for his health but couldn't really afford much care outside the normal home remedies recommended to them by the old women of the hold. It seemed to do the trick, however. As he grew older, his health improved, and he grew into a rather tall and sturdy young man.

Once his health allowed him, Hatheryn began to help his parents with their farm. He was happy to do anything they needed after being stuck inside for so many turns. So, he happily cleaned stalls, pulled weeds, and planted seeds. Every moment out of the hold was precious, and he wasn't going to waste it being upset by the chores he'd been asked to do. He didn't even mind watching his younger siblings, though they were quite a handful at times.

Hatheryn was very content with his life for a while, and his parents fully expected him to settle down and take over the farm one day. He had different plans, however. While he was growing up, he was almost completely isolated from other people because of his health. They only real joy he had were the stories that visitors to his parents would tell about this hold or that hold or the weyr. The content didn't matter. Everything fascinated him since it was the only way he knew anything of the world outside his own hold.

So, with his newly improved health and eighteen turns, Hatheryn decided to leave his parent's farm and travel around Pern to see everything there was to see. His mother was dead set against the idea. Who was going to take over the farm? What if his health suddenly declined again? Hatheryn assured her that he would be sure to take care of himself and pointed out his younger two siblings as possible successors. His father completely understood. Traveling had been something he'd always wanted to do and never had the chance to do it. So, he helped to calm his wife's worries and prepare his son for such a journey as best he could.

Hatheryn spent the next two turns traveling around to different holds, halls, and weyrs. He often camped in caves or in the wilderness, and he earned the occasional mark by doing odd jobs for people he met. Every once in a while he'd come across another traveler and join them for a day or two, but most of all, he enjoyed all of the things he saw and learned. Over the course of the last two turns he's acquired a few friends to keep him company and to send messages back to his parents.


White Hatheryn has enjoyed traveling, he has lately been contemplating the possibility of returning home or settling down permanently somewhere. The life of a wanderer is hard, and he doesn't enjoy sleeping in the rain or going without food that much anymore. Still, his adventurous nature has led him to another stop along the way, Sedona Weyr. Who knows what might wait for him there?

H'ryn Impressed Blue Adabath!


Name: Adabath
Species: Pernese Dragon
Gender: Male
Color: Blue
Size: 27' long
Parents: Gold Aryth x Bronze Epeth
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation, Assisted Firebreath
Personality: Defiant
Sociability: Extroverted
Intelligence: Easily confused
Mating: A gentleman
Threadfighting: A speedy fighter
Other: N/A
Bond: H'ryn

Hatheryn's firelizards are from Aneris Weyr.
Hatheryn is a candidate at Sedona Weyr.
Backgrounds by Marie