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Name: Anyah
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 18 (15 at Impression)
Height: 5'
Build: Plump
Skin Tone: Golden Tan
Hair Color: Golden Blonde
Hair Length: Slightly Wavy to the Shoulder
Eyes: Small and Dark Blue
Occupation: Dragonrider, Formerly a Servant
Siblings: Three Younger Brothers, Three Younger Sisters
Parents: Married
Origin: Weaver Hall
Pets: None
Bond: Green Hunyolth

Personality: Since she worked as a servant before Impressing, Anyah is very polite to those around her, which makes her quite friendly and personable. Having grown up in a large family, Anyah hates being alone and often goes to great lengths to make new friends. Not nearly as conceited as her dragon, Anyah is actually a bit self-conscious about certain things and can become depressed easily when criticized since she hates letting others down. Overall, however, she is very laid-back and easy-going, especially when dealing with Hunyolth's behavior.

History: Anyah was born to a married couple who were both servants at the Weaver Hall. Her childhood was fairly happy though her circumstances forced her to begin work at a very early age. Because of her situation, Anyah never learned to read or write, and she's very self-conscious about the fact and hates it when other dragonriders mention it.

When Anyah was young she accidentally fell through a thin layer of ice that had built up on a nearby lake. The incident left her detesting both the cold and water, and she has since been terrified of the dark. This makes life as a dragonrider a bit difficult, since she refuses to go between unless it is absolutely necessary. It's also an issue since she doesn't have the best sense of direction either, but between her and Hunyolth, they can usually find their way home.

Anyah also hates firelizards. She doesn't like the way they come out of between so unexpectedly, and she's, unfortunately, had several instances of them getting caught in her hair and other unfavorable run-ins. So, while she's very polite to all of the people of the weyr and has many friends, she always politely asks them to keep their flits away.


Name: Hunyolth
Race: Pernese Dragon
Gender: Female
Color: Green
Size: 25' long
Parents: Green Sharmieth x Blue Kjoreth
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation, Assisted Firebreath

Personality: Arrogant and quite full of herself, Hunyolth is convinced she is simply a queen with a green hide. She hates to be looked down on and tends to boss other dragons around whenever she gets the chance, and she is quite difficult to get along with.

Bond: Anyah

Hunyolth is from Sedona Weyr.
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