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Name: And'los (Andilos)
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 20 (16 at Impression)
Height: 6'5"
Build: Massive
Skin Tone: Darkly Tanned
Hair Color: Light Sandy Brown
Hair Length: To His Ears and Messy
Eyes: Hazel Brown
Occupation: Dragonrider (Former Senior Apprentice Healer)
Siblings: 1 Older Brother, 2 Younger Brothers
Parents: Married Lord Holders
Origin: Medium-Sized Hold
Pet: 6 Firelizards
Bond: Green Essoketh

Personality: And'los is a thoughtful, giving person who loves to help others. He has a particular fondness for animals and seems to collect fire lizards. He isn't particularly brave though and tends to be quite cautious in Threadfall, and he really hates small, tight spaces. He loves to swim and often goes for a dip to think. He has a tendancy to get distracted easily from what he's working on, especially if it's to help someone else. He has great manners, and although he looks rather intimidating, he's quite nice.

History: And'los was born as the second son to a pair of Lord Holders. Since his older brother was already set to inherit his father's position, he felt no real pressure to follow in his father's footsteps, and his father didn't really bother him about it until he was older. So, And'los grew up under the sole tutelage of his mother and learned to be kind, caring, and giving like she was.

As he grew older, however, his father began to pressure him to join his older brother in his studies, but And'los had no interest in learning to run the hold. Instead, he had developed an interest in healing and had plans to go to the Healer Hall to study. Both his father and older brother disapproved, but And'los was adamant, especially since his youngest brother had died from an illness.

Luckily for And'los, he had learned very early in life to swim. So, he often ran off to the nearby beach to escape from his father and older brother. He also seemed to have almost uncanny luck at finding firelizard eggs and attracting the creatures in general. So, by the time his had sixteen turns, he had already Impressed six little flits. His father also saw this as a huge issue since it seemed an affront to And'los's older brother, who had never Impressed a firelizard.


Eventually, with quite a bit of his mother's help, And'los managed to go to study at the Healer Hall. His progress there was rather average as he was often distracted by his flits or helping his fellow apprentices. Eventually, however, he did become a senior apprentice as was preparing to walk the tables when he was Searched for the clutch at Sedona. His biggest concern now is to try to teach his lovely green dragon a few manners.


Name: Essoketh
Race: Pernese Dragon
Gender: Female
Color: Green
Size: 22' long
Parents: Green Rijith x Blue Athuiteth
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation, Assisted Firebreath
Personality: Essoketh tends to speak without thinking and often comes off as rude and impertinent. She is quite prideful and usually tries to make excuses for herself rather than own up to her mistakes.
Bond: And'los

And'los's firelizards are from Dark Moon Weyrhold.
Essoketh is from Sedona Weyr.
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