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Name: Amiya
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Height: 5'6"
Build: Slender
Skin Tone: Light Tan
Hair Color: Light Brown
Hair Length: To Mid Back and Fluffy
Eyes: Bright Green
Occupation: Dragonrider (Former Apprentice Harper)
Siblings: 1 Older Half-Sister, 1 Older Brother
Parents: Deceased Green Rider Mother, Blue Rider Father
Origin: Weyr
Pets: 4 Flits
Bond: Green Aunelth

Personality: Amiya is a very hasty individual. She likes to get things done, and she doesn't like waiting around for it to happen. Because of this she is extremely bad with children and avoids them when she can. She loves to read and is very intelligent and rather prefers their company to that of people. She loves music and has developed a deep appreciation for old records thanks to her older half-sister. Despite her lack of patience for people, she is rather patient with her pets and has all of her flits well trained.

History: Amiya was born as the second child to a pair of weyr mates. Unlike most of the children of the weyr, she was raised by her parents even though both of them were dragonriders. Her childhood was a happy one until her mother died in a Threadfall accident when she had only nine turns. Shortly after, her brother, with whom she was fairly close, was Searched for a clutch and Impressed a blue like their father. After that, she didn't see him much and relied heavily on her half-sister for company.

Amiya's older half-sister was very interested in records and taught her to love records as well. Eventually she went to the Harper Hall, and Amiya followed her a few turns later. She wasn't there for very long before she was Searched for a clutch and returned home to stand on the sands.

No one was very suprised to see Amiya on the sands of her home weyr, given the fact that both her parents and her brother had previously Impressed. She also had four well-trained firelizards of her own, which added to everyone's expectations. So, when she Impressed Green Aunelth, the only shock anyone had was that she hadn't Impressed a different color.



Name: Aunelth
Race: Pernese Dragon
Gender: Female
Color: Green
Size: 23' long
Parents: Green Emeraldth x Brown-Ruby Mikuth
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation, Assisted Firebreath
Personality: Clever
Sociability: Chatty; talks to humans often
Intelligence: Focused
Mating: Flirtacious
Threadfighting: Poor agility in the air
Other: N/A
Bond: Amiya

Aunelth is from Sedona Weyr.
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