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News for January 8th, 2000

Posted by: DTprotoss on January 8th, 2000 @ 9:06 am

Yo! WAZZUP! DUDES. I added a new video in the download gallery. I fixed the staff section. School started. I can no longer update the site on weekdays too often. Fridays and weekends. You'll have to wait till weekends. I found a very cool starcraft file. You might want to check it out. Good luck to you all! 

Posted by: DTprotoss on January 6th, 2000 @ 9:06 am

Yo! WAZZUP! DUDES. Happy New Year once again! Today's a great day! Sixth day of 2001. I updated this site with a very cool and new layout which I hope you like! I also fixed the gallery link! You may want to check it out! If you have any suggestions to make this site better! Don't hesistate to ask. I'll do it as long as I am able to. Thankyou! Have a wonderful evening!

Posted by: DTprotoss on January 1st, 2000 @ 9:46 pm

Yo! WAZZUP! DUDES. Happy New Year! Today's a great day! First day of 2001. Also, the turn of a new millenium. I am so happy. Not much things added today. Just a new layout and some fixed links. Ho! Ho! Prepare for a suprise soon! If you have any warcraft art. Don't hesistate to send them to me by e-mail. I'll post them up as soon as possible. Thankyou! Have a good evening.

Posted by: DTprotoss on January 6th, 2000 @ 9:06 am

Yo! WAZZUP! DUDES. Happy New Year once again! Today's a great day! Sixth day of 2001. I updated this site with a very cool and new layout which I hope you like! I also fixed the gallery link! You may want to check it out! If you have any suggestions to make this site better! Don't hesistate to ask. I'll do it as long as I am able to. Thankyou! Have a wonderful evening!

Posted by: DTprotoss on December 30th, 2000 @ 11:16 pm

  Yo! WAZZUP! DUDES. I added some a lot of new heros and units in the UNIT SECTION. Come see! I added some new strategies and tricks for Starcraft. Thats all for today! Have a great day! I might make a lamer section for Starcraft soon. I am also going to add a fan art section. So, anyone of you who want to give up their best shot and show their Starcraft or Warcraft fan art. SEND THEM TO ME BY E-MAIL!!!

Posted by: DTprotoss on December 30th, 2000 @ 11:28 am

   Yo! Warcraft dudes! This is the 2nd day of our new born Warcraft III site. Hohoho! Merry Christmas to all! Hmm... Isn't it too late for that!?? Today, I added some new links to my website. Also, I am going to add a new section called," Starcraft II". It will be about the upcomming Starcraft game. But, no information is avaliable on the game yet. Too Bad! Oh yeah! I am also going to add some Starcraft Brood War Links to this website too. This will become a both Starcraft and Warcraft website. (Mostly Warcraft!) I added some new images and things. I also added a great website for both games.

Posted by: DTprotoss on December 29th, 2000 @ 12:30 PM

GameSpy has a new feature on their site rating what they think are the Top Ten Holiday Cards designed by game developers this year. If you checked out the Blizzard Christmas cards via the post below somewhere, you'd know that Blizzard's "cards" are in fact wallpapers, so they were disqualified for the contest. However, they did get an honorable mention. Click here to check it out. 


Posted by: DTprotoss on December 29th, 2000 @ 9:30 PM

    This is a new "WARCRAFT III" site for all of you Starcraft and Warcraft Fans. I will update it constantly and do everything it takes to give you the best warcraft information ever! I know that all of you fans out there are still waiting for this great game to come out.

   Rumors say that W.C is gonna come out mid 2001. (Around March or May). This is not much of an update, but I am still working on it. There will be a LOT of broken links. So plz don't e-mail me and ask me why I did this? Don't e-mail me junks such as: YOUR SITE SUX!!! If you have any suggestions to make this site better. Don't hesistate to ask! HAPPY NEW YEAR! I think....

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