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Being a woman in my 60's, I must have been born an ink enthusiast. However, it wasn't until I met my future husband in college that I was introduced to this world. He was studying architecture, but his passion was tattoo art. He showed me his work. I was amazed at the art covering his arms and chest. In the very early days in New York tattooing was underground. The artists were very conscientious about hygiene, even without todays advanced autoclaves.

The work was classic and many of these people are now legends. Tattooers like Sailor Jerry Swallow, Don Leslie and Bert Rodriguez. Old boys who still tattoo. I am working on a piece based on my late husbands painting to me on our last anniversary.

I once had to cover my tattoos, but today I am free to flaunt them with pride. I mix old school with traditional style and whatever catches my spirit. Thank you for listening.