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I was approaching 30 when I was working on an exibition of my paintings. This was a series celebrating ancient egyptian times. I became very attracted to the symbol for protection used in heiroglyphics, the Eye of Horus. I designed a pyramid with the eye symbol inside of it and a lightening bolt through the triangle.

Having virgin skin, I asked around bout shops and tattooing, I was told that "it hurts but you can tolerate it". I picked my forearm for this tattoo, just in case I didnt care for the sensation of getting tattooed. I figured the less delicate the area the less it would hurt. As soon as I felt the gun, I was hooked.

I am one of the most tattooed women I know. With 2 full sleeves, hand tatts, feet tatts, neck piece, back piece still under construction, stomach and rib cage, full front leg piece, and a bee on my earlobe.

I inspire some, frighten some, intrigue some, and fascinate some. I wera my ink well, with pride and dignity. And when I am asked "wont you get tired of it when you are older?" My reply is

"Like a fine painting, I will only cherish it more"