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Banned Music-General Bensko March.MP3

Banned Music-Deutschland Ubber Alles.Hollywood'97 Version

During the early part of the WW2 era Preacher Collins, an early patriot, disbanded the boy scouts to devote more time to his inventions including his plans for a gigantic bomb-which for lack of a better word- he called "snowflakes"..I personally heard him tell Bro. Joe at Brookside that he had already tried a small amount of snowflakes around a big pine tree on top baldhead hill and it blew that tree a part and he figured if you dropped the "snowflakes" from a plane on a city or whatever the first person who lit a cigarette the whole place would go up....Later the FBI is said to have visited Preacher and he made several trips to Washington DC and he reported his plans for the bomb were stolen and yes, several years later after the atomic bomb was dropped he told me, us, that he thought the government stole his plans and manufactured the atomic bombs useing his snowflake formula....but in the meantime, there was a young intellectual teenager at Brookside who took what was left of the boys scouts, and being the patriot he was, molded them into a trim fast fighting unit that was secretly known as the BMGF, or a home defense force if needed.Later this teenager went to Huntsville,Al. and worked with Dr. Werner Von Braune on the space shot that went to the Moon. Many stood in awe and admiration of this exploit, and in tribute to the courage and tenacity of this teenager, the above music arrangement has been named the General Bensko March in tribute to ANOTHER of Brooksides many legends....