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JD Games Homepage

Ha ha ha! I'm leaving this shithole with millions of broken links. My new page is

Updates: Jan. 9th.

Wazzzup Detroit! That's why the call me Dustin Gunn. I'm back. I'm back! Thats right y'all! Another game. South Park tournament is multiplayer mayhem that has four games in one. Most graphics made by me so check it out at your own risk! Next games to come include Ass-Raiders, and Ice Tails. I will also try to fix the three SP links. Oh yeah and I have a game called SP film fest but it's 3 mb so you will have to wait a while. I have a lot of junk to do but with 50mb of space, I can get creative. Jamie bailey released a demo of S:TFR2 So I'll later have that up too. You are finally able to glimpse the great one.

Updates: Dec. 28th.

Ahhhh Christmas. The real meaning of Christmas isn't presents... It's the joy and wonder of watching another really funny SP X-mas special! I present this gift to all of you people watching my web site... another new game called Kenny's first snowflake of x-mas game which is a shallow attempt by me to make an adictive game! Oh, and this is probably the biggest peice of news ever on these kinda gaming sites... The great one, Jamie Bailey, the other person on this website than me, has started the garunteed greatest homemade game you've ever seen! He sent me the first level and if that was just the entire game it would still be the best.

_____________________________________________ I felt so good I'm going to update twice in a day! I have gotten my act together and deleted the link to the game vault and warned when a link is down on the hellhole. I have also created a brand new page called the dumpster! It lists the games that are never going to be completed. It's a sad place really! Sniff... bye. Woah man. somemore you say? Another game you say? Oh and here is another brandnew game called cow attack. It to was made a while ago but hey, it's a new game. I've updated alot so e-mail me if any links don't work.

Updates: Dec. 22nd.

Hi everybody! I'm back in time for Christmas. Sure go ahead and say I haven't updated for six months! It's a short story really. Boy comes back from Texas to discover the internet has bee down. Boy waits till now! The wait has not been in vain though! We have Sonic: The fast revelation, a true masterpeice and the greatest game made by klickNplay yet! I have Kenny snowflake game, cow attack, and my greatest game so far... SP 2-player tournament! I'm back in touch wit Jamie Bailey who started to update his site again! There is a link to it below. Oh, and the Hellhole decided it would be nice to take down the games section so I can no longer have the game vault. I think the link to Kenny in south park, Cartman Armageddon, and Austin Powers: BTTS! I have limited time on the internet so i'll fix those links when i run out of new games to put on (and that won't be any time soon!). Look for these new games in the coming week! Heres Sonic! Viva laresistance! WORK IN PROGRESS: Jamie Bailey is full time doing a sequel to TFR and it's going to be pseudo 3d! I, Dustin Gunn, am doing a full out mario game. No south Park about it. It resembles mario 1.

Updates: May 25th.

Damn! I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a long time, but while I was working on an upcoming game, Kenny Kombat, I found this awesome Zelda game that was canned so I put it on hold. I am running the website from my dad's house so if you sent me an e-mail, it probably won't get answered till I get back. Now for the good news... I have just uploaded a small demo of Kenny Kombat. I will not put it up but you can download it Here. I made a super short film about spontanious combustion. Download it Here. My partner Jamie is not getting the recognition he deserves. The pic at the top of the page was hand drawn by him. Download some of his games to see even more. I reccomend Cartman Leap. If you like the games, check out the wallpaper he made for them. Go to hell!. Devil Desktops that is!!! You'll laugh your nutz off reading the type! You know, there is a poll at the bottom of our page! Download some games and vote for which one you like the most! Just wait a second so the page can finish loading. Peace! ;o)&. Update!!! I have this finished game but I cannot get it here because i'm at my dad's house. It was at the hellhole but the link didn't work. I noticed that the name wasn't correct on the link. I played around and tried to remember what the zip was called, and finally I hacked it out. Ladies and gentlemen... I give you the best guided tour of south park on the net! Kenny in South Park!!!!!!!!!!!.

Updates: May 19th.

Small one. I am short of ideas! Please send me your ideas. I will give credit to you and your URL. Also, I updated the poll at the bottom of the page! I am thinking about adding a guestbook. Tell me what you think. Looking for wallpaper? Visit Devil Desktop. Peace!

Updates: May 15th.

Big update. Put on 2 more games. Check them out in the misc. section. Snailer and Computer crash joke! I also have bad news. For some reason, my internet connection stops every time I try to upload a picture file! I guess no more screenshots for now. Peace!

Updates: May 11th.

Pretty big update. Me and the Jamiester are currently between games so we thought it best to put up the gaming vault. It contains 10 of my favorite games already. Anybodey can submit their games to it. Oh, I am currently working on two games right now. 1 is a fake 3D game called snailer. The other is a cross between the hit movie, U-571 and South Park. It's com'n along great!!! If you have any suggestions, don't be afraid to ask! Note: If you let the page finish loading and then go down, there will be music, a poll, and my e-mail address down there. Peace out!

Updates: May 7th.

Humongo update! 2 entirely new games were released! Enjoy Cartman leap! and Another Galaxy.

Updates: May 5th.

Big update! First, I have created updates! Second, we have an entire new game released! Futurama: The series! Last, I created a game directory where you can look at a list of all our released games so far!!! I figure this will make your gaming experience better! Peace out.


Top 4 games in no specific order:

Austin Powers: BTTS
Cartman Armaggeddon
Futurama: The series
Futurama: Another Galaxy South Park tournament

We are whats left of the gaming community. okay. We would like to have a wide range of games here. Anyone can submit them. If you put our games on your site, make sure to ask permission and give all credits to JD games, including a link.

Current Game designers:

  • Jamie Bailey
  • Dustin A. Gunn
  • ---need one more here---


This is "come with me".