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IMPORTANT!!!Please Read!!!

This isn't an update, just some important info that you all should know. I'm sorry about my lack of attention to the site, but so much has been going on that I haven't really been able to get on the computer for too long a period of time. I guess I should explain. First there was a death in my family, and you know how sad those things can be. I've been too busy with my family to get focus on writing. There really isn't much I want to say on the death, just want to offer a little advice. Drinking is a bad thing, seriously think about it before you do it, and don't drive. But everything is all cleared up now, but still I won't be able to update the site for a while. I'm moving out of my house to another place with some friends, and moving can be so tiresome. I'm probably going to pack up my computer soon so I won't be online much, but I do have wireless web on my phone so I will continously check my e-mail, and I do have some access to my sisters computer so I'll try to check up on things.

So about future updates. I hope to have an update sometime in August, hopefully the beginning, but I do know that I'll be pretty busy during the 6th through 8th of August. NSYNC is having a concert on the 7th and I will be there. It's in Birmingham, Al and I live hours away from there so my friends and I will be staying for a few days. But I hope to have the update before I go, but if I don't it'll be done by the time I get back. I really do wish I had a laptop, but sadly I don't. But I am writing. I'm doing things the old fashioned way by writing it down on paper. I have this notebook that I carry around and write in. A different notebook for each story. So far I have written quite a bit on Angel and the Spark. So on my update I plan to have at least three new chapters on that story. I'm also working on His Secret Baby. I want that story finished. I know that a lot of people love The One I Gave My Heart To, that's the story I get the most feedback on, but it's also the story that get's updated the least, but that's going to change. I started out writing the story with someone else, but then it became a solo project and I really didn't know where I wanted to go with the story, but it finally came to me. It's not going to be as long as I had orginally planned it to be, but there will be at least ten chapters, and hopefully when I update it will be finished. I know that I'm trying to get a lot done, but I did promise you guys that I would keep my site up and continously update it, but I've been slacking on that, and this is my way of saying I'm sorry. I know my expectations are high, but I can write it all down, the hard part is going to be sitting back at a computer and trying to type all this up. But I'm confident. Okay, I know that I've left some stories out, but those will be updated too. I think there is only one more story anyway, and that's Somebody's Somebody, I already have five chapters up on that story so hopefully I can get it finished and have the sequel started, the part that everyone is waiting for.

Okay, I'm also working of updating the layout of the site. I don't really know much on HTML, but I"ve been studying, probably not well enough, but let's just see what I can do. If anyone has any current pictures of the guys please be kind and send me a copy. I want to use current pictures, although I have nothing against the old pictures, but the guys have changed so much that the old pictures seem so out of date. So far Andrea has been helping me with my layouts and I owe her the biggest of thanks, Thank You Girl.

I think that's everything that I wanted said. I'm sorry that I haven't been updating but I had reason for that, but I'm working on the stories now. I'm just doing things the old fashioned way. Well I'll see you all in August. Join my mailing list if you want to know exactly when I update. Right now all the links still go to listbot, but that's closing down and I'm going to change it. I'll either move over to Yahoo or use the mailing list on my bravenet account.

Thank you all for taking the time to read this.