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What is NAPS?

The National Association of Postal Supervisors is a membership organization representing over 35,000 active and retired supervisors and managers who work for or who retired from the United States Postal Service (USPS). The object of the Association is to promote, through appropriate and effective action, the welfare of its members, and to cooperate with USPS and other agencies of the federal government in a continuing effort to improve the service, to raise the standard of efficiency, and to widen the field of opportunity for its members who make the Postal Service or the federal government their life work.

NAPS is a management association, not a union. NAPS is unique among federal management associations that our rights are statutory, with a high level of detail concerning our relationship with USPS. (NAPS' rights are listed under Title 39 of the US Code, Section 1004.)

NAPS represents the overwhelming majority of first-line supervisors who work both in facilities where postal employees process mail and where they deliver mail. Our membership also includes other mid-level and senior managers in every functional area of the Postal Service, including marketing, finance, human resources and maintenance, to name a few. We even have a growing number of postmasters as members, individuals who decided to remain a part of our organization even after being promoted to a postmaster position.

Our members are supervisors and managers who work in the field. We do not represent managers who work at USPS Headquarters in Washington, DC, or senior managers in the Postal Career Executive Service who are installation heads.

NAPS is committed to representing its membership in all areas, including adverse action. NAPS is a professional organization of supervisors and managers (as opposed to a union). Under this classification, NAPS is not obliged to defend each and every member or non-member, regardless of the charges they may face. The integrity of NAPS, both national and local, and the interest of the Postal Service must be considered when receiving requests for representation.

Home Page
Branch Officers
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Informative Links
Legislative Issues
Local Issues
Constitution and By-Laws
