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NAPS Branch 45


The National Council on the Aging has established a Web site for seniors: a free, easy-to-use service that identifies federal and state assistance programs for older Americans. There are hundreds of programs to assist older Americans with housing, employment, prescription drug costs, etc. There are more than 1,000 different benefits programs listed in this database. Rather than spending many hours searching government agencies to learn bout programs, you can enter basic information and immediately access programs that match your circumstances.


If you are called into a meeting with Management, you should say: "If this duscussion could lead in any way to my being disciplined or terminated, and or affect my personal working conditions, I respectfully request that my NAPS representative be present at this meeting. Without representation, I choose not to answer any questions, or sign any papers."


Cruising the web while you're at work may seem pretty harmless, but the Postal Service has rules regarding that activity and others that involve USPS computers and office equipment.

USPS office equipment primarily is for authorized business purposes, James Golden, Manager, Corporate Information Security, says "It is there to help you do your job".

Occasional personal use of USPS computers by employees to access e-mail and the Internet, as well as use of other office equipment, is permitted by MANAGEMENT INSTRUCTION EL-660-2000-5, "Limited Personal Use of Government Office Equipment".

But be aware, Use of USPS computers IS NOT PRIVATE and may be monitored, as approved, by management and the chief privacy office, whether the employee is using the computer for authorized purposes or for limited personal use, said Chief Privacy Officer Strickland.

Prohibited uses include sending or receiving on USPS computers e-mail information that violates laws or copyrights; advertising; defamatory, libelous, offensive or abusive material; hate-based material; computer viruses; chain letters; and unauthorized mass mailings.

The Postal Service blocks access to many prohibited websites and monitors attempted access to them, Golden said. Repeat violations are referred to local management for disciplinary action, including removal from the Postal Service.


Planning a road trip this summer? Don't hit the highway until you have checked out your local Goodyear dealer where USPS employees can get an oil change and lube, new tires, or even a tune-up at a discount.

Goodyear dealers participating in the USPS VIP Program are offering employees an oil change for $14.95; 15% off automotive servicec; and 10% off Goodyear brand tires. Percentage discounts are off of sale, everyday low or retail prices - whichever is lower. The program also offers a VIP credit card to all USPS employees.

More information about the Goodyear VIP Program is available at or call 1-800-321-2136.

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