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Branch 45 Constitution and By-Laws




Section 1. The name of this Association shall be Branch 45, National Association of Postal Supervisors.



Section 1. The Branch shall cooperate with the Postal Service to improve the Postal Service and the welfare of its employees

Section 2. This Branch shall strive to raise the standard of efficiency of the service; to establish uniform and equitable compensation; and to implement and maintain modern economical business methods of operation.

Section 3. This Branch shall endeavor to widen the field of opportunity for employees who make the Postal Service their life work.

Section 4. The Branch 045 is a management organization, not a union, representing active and retired supervisors and managers of the United States Postal Service and who’s rights are statutory, listed under Title 39 of the US Code, Section 1004.



Preamble. No one otherwise eligible shall be denied membership in this Branch because of sex, race, color, creed, or national origin.

Section 1. A. All career employees in the Alabama District under the supervision of the Alabama District Manager who are eligible for membership in the association as set forth in the National Constitution shall be eligible for membership.

Section 1. B. Any supervisor who is not under the jurisdiction of the Alabama District Manager, but who works in the District, shall be eligible for membership in this Branch, provided the supervisor is not eligible nor a member of any other branch of the National Association of Postal Supervisors.

Section 2. An eligible supervisor must submit a completed application for membership form to be considered for membership. Two (2) members in good standing, recommending the applicant for membership must sign the form.

Section 3. The completed application for membership, together with a signed Dues Withholding Form (NAPS Form 1187), or the balance of the current half year’s dues, may be presented to any member of the Branch who will send it immediately to the Membership Committee. That committee shall act on it and present their recommendation to the membership at the next regular meeting. The applicant shall be accepted for membership if two-thirds (2/3) of the members present and voting approve.

Section 4. The Secretary shall notify all applicants for membership immediately by letter of the action of the Branch on the application and enclose a membership card and a copy of the Constitution and by-laws.

Section 5. Former active members of this Branch who were in good standing at the time of retirement or promotion may be associate or honorary members upon retirement from the USPS.

Associate members may attend meetings and conventions. They may be appointed by appropriate authority to serve on committees in an advisory or consultative capacity. They shall vote on any and all matters.

Associate members shall pay dues in the amount of one-half (1/2) of the regular dues Paid, beginning January 2001 and each January thereafter.

Honorary members shall not be required to pay dues and except for attending meetings shall not be eligible for any benefits.

Section 6. Former active members of this Branch who were in good standing at the time of retirement shall be presented with a Lifetime Honorary Membership Card.

Section 7. The Secretary shall keep a roster of Associate and Honorary Members separate from the Active Members.



Section 1. Regular meetings of this Branch shall be held once each month, the date, time and place to be provided for in the by-laws.

Section 2. Special meetings may be called by a majority of the Executive Committee or by eight (8) members in good standing when presented to the President in writing. Members shall have not less than twenty-four (24) hours’ notice of such meetings as to time, place, and purpose. The President is authorized to use the most practicable method of notifying the membership. No business other than that specified in the notice shall be considered at said meeting. Minutes of such special meetings shall be kept and become a part of the permanent records of the Branch.



Section 1. The officers of this Branch shall be: (a) President; (b) First Vice President; (c) Second Vice President; (d) Secretary; (e) Treasurer; and (f) Officer-at-Large.

Section 2. A. The term of office for an officer shall be for two (2) years, or until his/her successor has been duly elected and installed, or until the termination of his/her term for cause.

Section 2. B. Provisions in section 2-A shall not restrict an officer to one term of office.

Section 3. Bond for the Board Officers shall be twenty-five thousand ($25,000) and the cost shall be paid out of the Branch Treasury.



Section 1. The Nominating Committee will make a report on its recommendations for Branch officers at the regular October meeting. Nominations will also be received from the floor at this meeting for Branch officers. Nominations may be received from the Secretary/Treasurer, signed by three (3) members in good standing, not later than the 25th of October. A mail-out may be sent to all members in good standing to be received by each member not later than ten (10) days prior to the meeting date. The Branch will determine at the October meeting whether to use the mail-out ballot.

Section 2. The Chairperson at the November meeting will call for the election of officers as the first order of business.

Section 3. The candidates receiving a majority vote of the ballots cast shall be declared elected. Should a majority not be had on the first ballot, a second ballot shall be immediately had between the two (2) candidates receiving the most votes for a respective office on the first ballot. The candidate receiving a majority vote on the second ballot shall be declared elected.

Section 4. Duly elected officers shall be installed in their respective offices at the January meeting with a fitting ceremony arranged by the Nominating committee.

Section 5. The officers shall serve for two (2) years until the January meeting when the duly elected officers are installed, unless the Branch, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present and voting, elects to terminate their term of office at an earlier date for cause. No such election of termination shall be had without the membership having had at least seventy-two (72) hours’ notice of such election.

Section 6. In case of a vacancy in any office, the Nominating Committee shall recommend a candidate to fill such office at the next regular meeting. Nominations will also be received from the floor, after which an election will be held and the new officer installed.



Section 1. President

1. He/she shall preside at all meetings of this Branch.

2. He/she shall call special meetings when ordered to so as provided in this Constitution.

3. He/she shall appoint all regular and special committees.

4. He/she shall decide all questions of order (subject to an appeal to the meeting).

5. He/she shall enforce the Constitution and by-laws of the Branch.

6. He/she shall perform such other duties as pertain to his/her office.

Section 2. First Vice President

1. He/she shall preside in the absence of the President.

2. He/she shall be Chairperson of the Membership Committee.

Section 3. Second Vice President

1. He/she shall preside in the absence of the President and the First Vice President.

2. He/she shall be Chairperson of the entertainment Committee.

Section 4. Secretary

1. He/she shall keep an accurate record of all meetings of the Branch and of the Executive Committee and shall read same when called upon by the President.

2. He/she shall have charge of all correspondence in the name of the Branch.

3. He/she shall be the statistician of the Branch; which includes maintaining separate rosters of active, associate, and honorary members.

4. He/she shall prepare credentials for delegates to the National Convention.

5. He/she shall notify all applicants for membership by letter of the action taken by the Branch on the application and, it approved, will enclose a membership card and a copy of the constitution and by-laws.

Section 5. Treasurer

1. He/she shall be the custodian of all funds of the Branch.

2. He/she shall receive all dues, assessments, and other monies due Branch and keep an accurate record of the same.

3. He/she shall disburse funds only as directed by the Branch or the Executive Committee.

4. He/she shall make a financial report at any regular meeting when requested by the President or any member of the Branch.

5. He/she shall attest to the eligibility of the members when required.

6. He/she shall exhibit his/her books at the request, in writing, of not less than five (5) members in good standing who must make a report of their findings and their reason for requesting the inspection at the next regular meeting following such inspection.

7. He/she shall exhibit his/her books to the Auditing Committee during the months of January and July each year.

8. He/she shall furnish the chairperson of the Membership Committee the names of those members who are six (6) months in arrears for dues one (1) month prior to the semi-annual per capital tax call.

9. He/she shall furnish the chairperson of the Membership Committee a list of those members who have been suspended for non-payment of dues and assessments at the regular February and August meetings. This list shall not be read before the meeting unless so requested by the Branch.

Section 6. Officer-at-Large

1. He/she shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee.

2. He/she shall perform such duties as assigned by the President.

Section 7.

All elected officers shall perform any such duties, which may be assigned by the President.



Section 1.

The President shall appoint the following committees who shall serve concurrently with the appointing President except the Elections Committee which shall serve as provided in Sub-Section C of this section: Auditing, Constitution and by-laws, Election, Entertainment, Legislative, Membership, Nominating, Publicity, Resolutions, and Welfare. Their duties are as follows:

A. Auditing:

1. They shall audit the Treasurer’s book during the months of January and July each year and report their findings at the regular February and August meeting.

2. They shall make any special audit requested by the Treasurer or ordered by the Branch.

B. Constitution and by-laws:

1. They shall familiarize themselves with the Constitution and by-laws of the Branch and shall present to the Branch any proposed changes or amendments which may be directed to them for consideration.

2. They shall review the Constitution and by-laws twice a year and shall follow Article XIII, Section 1, if any recommendations are to be made.

C. Election:

1. This committee shall be appointed only after all nominations for an elective office have been completed.

2. No candidate for an office being contested is eligible to serve on this committee.

3. This committee will count the votes of all Branch elections and report the results as directed by the President.

4. They shall conduct any referendum vote ordered by the Branch.

5. This committee is automatically excused after serving for the election for which appointed.

D. Entertainment:

1. They shall promote the recreational activities of the Branch.

2. They shall promote a spirit of fellowship and goodwill among the membership and their families.

3. They shall work with the Membership Committee to promote attendance at Branch meetings.

E. Legislative:

1. They shall report to the Branch on all legislative affecting postal service supervisors.

2. They shall initiate and promote legislative interests and activity on the part of members of this Branch.

F. Membership:

1. They shall work toward enlisting all eligible supervisors into membership in the Branch.

2. They shall promote attendance to the meetings of the Branch.

3. They shall act on all applications for membership, bringing a report at the meeting following the presentation of the application.

G. Nominating:

1. They shall bring a report of nomination of officers at all regular October meeting in the year of elections, presenting at least a two (2) candidates for each office. They shall also bring a report of nomination to fill a vacancy, which may occur.

2. They shall be responsible for the proper installation of all duly elected officers.

H. Publicity:

1. They shall promote the interest of the organization through the various publicity media.

2. The chairperson shall be responsible for submitting one (1) article per month to the NAPS magazine.

3. They shall publish a quarterly newsletter of articles submitted by membership no later than the tenth (10th) of the month preceding the end of the quarter with distribution being made by the secretary.

I. Resolutions:

1. They shall consider all resolutions coming before the Branch and shall present them to the Branch with their recommendations.

2. They shall initiate resolutions that would be in the general interest and for the mutual benefit of all members for presentation to the State and National Conventions, presenting at least one (1) resolution for the Branch’s consideration for each regular Branch meeting.

J. Welfare:

1. They shall familiarize themselves with the general welfare of the membership and shall make a report at each regular meeting.

2. They shall investigate any reports presented to them relative to needs for assistance and shall make recommendations to the Branch concerning the same.

3. Upon notification, they shall send a “Get well card” to any member who has been on sick leave for a period of five (5) days or sooner if deemed desirable by the Welfare Committee.

4. In the event of the death of any member (including Honorary Members), Auxiliary Members, Child, Parent, Step-Parent, or Step-Child, they shall, in the name of the Branch and Auxiliary, send flowers, the cost not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00). The Branch and the Auxiliary shall share the cost equally.

Section 2.

The incoming President shall present to the Branch his/her selections for committees at the January meeting.

Section 3.

All Committees (except Executive) shall consist of a Chairperson and two (2) Branch members.

Section 4.

A member may serve on more than one (1) committee; however, he/she may serve as Chairperson of only one (1).

Section 5.

The President shall be an ex-officio member of all regular and special committees.



Section 1.

There shall be an Executive committee composed of the elective officers of the Branch.

Section 2.

The Executive Committee shall meet at the request of the President.

Section 3.

Three (3) members of the Executive committee may call a meeting of the Executive committee by submitting the request to the President in writing.

Section 4.

A majority of the Committee (3), which must include either the President or one (1) of the Vice Presidents, shall constitute a quorum.

Section 5.

The executive Committee shall have power to act for the Branch, but it shall not have power to commit the Branch to any principles not consistent with the general policies of NAPS.

Section 6.

Minutes of all Executive Committee meetings shall be kept and said minutes shall be read at the next regular Branch meeting.



Section 1.

The dues of this Branch shall be one hundred fifty six dollars ($156.00) per year, per member, payable by dues withholding, or in advance to the Branch Treasurer on January 1 and July 1 each year. The Branch will pay to the Auxiliary Treasurer a sum not to exceed twelve dollars ($12.00) per year for each active member of the Branch. In the event State or National dues are increase, Branch dues will be increased accordingly.

Section 2.

A new member who signs a Dues Withholding Form (NAPS Form 1187) shall not be required to pay any dues in advance. A new member who elects to pay directly to the Treasurer shall be required to pay the remaining portion of the half-year in which he/she joined (prorated).

Section 3.

There shall be no initiation fee for membership in the Branch.

Section 4.

Any assessment upon the membership of the Branch must be approved by a referendum vote. To gain approval, the assessment must receive a majority vote of the entire voting membership of record.



Section 1.

Any member who is six (6) months or more in arrears with dues and assessments at the time of per capital tax payment shall be suspended. The Branch may, in extreme cases, make exceptions to this section by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and voting at a regular meeting.

Section 2.

A suspended member may be reinstated by presenting a completed application for membership, together with a signed Dues Withholding Form (NAPS Form 1187), or by payment of a fee equal to three (3) months dues plus the remainder of the dues for the current half-year dating from the first day of the month of reinstatement, to any member of the Branch, in good standing, who will send it immediately to the Membership Committee. That committee shall act on the application and present their recommendation to the membership at the next regular meeting. The applicant shall be reinstated if two-thirds (2/3) of the members present and voting approve.

Section 3.

In consideration of the exception provided in Section 1 of Article XI, a suspended member may be reinstated by paying the remaining portion of the current quarter’s dues, if recommended by a majority of the Membership Committee and approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the members voting at the next regular meeting.

Section 4.

A suspended member is automatically relieved of any responsibility or authority in Branch affairs upon suspension. His/her office, if any, shall be filled the next regular meeting following his/her suspension (by election or appointment, which ever applies).

Section 5.

No per capital tax will paid for a member who is six (6) months or more in arrears in dues at the time per capital tax payments are made.



Section 1.

The Branch shall pay part or all of the expenses of the elected delegates to each National and State Convention and they shall be called paid delegates. The amount to be paid to each paid delegate shall be decided by the Branch at the regular January meeting prior to the National and State Conventions(s).

Section 2.

The number of paid delegates and the amount to be paid to each shall be determined before nominations are received.

Section 3.

The Secretary/Treasurer will read the names of the paid delegates to the last National Convention to the meeting following the nominations. At least one (1) of the paid delegates to be elected must be a member who has attended at least one (1) National Convention of the immediate past three (3) National conventions provided they meet the conditions outlined in Section 7 of Article XII. Following the election of the paid delegates, a sufficient number of alternate delegates will also be elected. Alternate delegates must also meet the conditions outlined in Section 7 of Article XII.

Section 4.

The Executive committee is authorized to approve any member in good standing as an unpaid delegate upon the request of such member. Such a delegate shall be provided credentials the same as a paid delegate and the Branch shall pay his/her registration fee.

Section 5.

Nominations of delegates to the National and State Conventions shall be held at the regular meeting in January in the year of the convention(s).

Section 6.

Election of delegates to the National and State Conventions shall beheld at the regular meeting in February in the year of the convention(s). The Branch shall determine the number elected.

Section 7.

In order for any member to receive funds from Branch 45 they must be a member in good standing and not owe the branch any dues and outstanding funds. In addition, they must meet the following conditions:

A. State Conventions:

1. Must have attended at least eight (8) of the declared membership meetings of Branch 45 within the twelve (12) month period immediately prior to voting.

2. Must attend all of each of the three (3) or four (4) meetings, etc., scheduled by the host Branch.

B. National Conventions:

1. Must have attended at least eight (8) of the declared membership meetings of Branch 45 within the twelve (12) month period immediately prior to voting.

2. Must attend all of each of the meetings scheduled by the host Branch.

The Executive Committee must approve any exceptions to the above requirements.

Section 8.

A NAPS member in good standing, transferring from another Branch, will be eligible to be a delegate and receive branch funds provided they have met the requirements outlined in the Constitution and by-laws of Branch 45.



Section 1.

Any changed or amendments to this Constitution must be submitted to the Branch either (1) at the regular October meeting each year and acted upon at the November meeting; or (2) at the regular March meeting each year and acted upon at the April meeting. A majority of those present and voting is necessary for adoption.

Section 2.

Any change or amendment submitted for consideration, which does not comply with Section 1 of this Article, must be approved by a referendum vote. For adoption, a majority of the membership must vote approval.



Section 1.

This Branch shall provide an application form, providing for all necessary information concerning the applicant.

Section 2.

This Constitution shall not be interpreted to obligate this Branch for monies it does not have or to incur financial liability, which it cannot meet.

Section 3.

The provisions of this Constitution may be suspended for any cause.

Section 4.

Members will be counted as present at Branch meetings only when on official USPS business and/or are signed in within the first ten (10) minutes of the meetings beginning.




Section 1.Eight (8) members in good standing shall constitute a quorum authorized to do business in the name of the Branch at any authorized meeting.

Section 2.A quorum shall not be declared unless the President, First Vice President, or Second Vice President is a part of the quorum provided for in Section 1 of this Article.



Section 1.The Branch shall meet on the last Thursday of each month at a place arranged by the Executive Committee.

Section 2.The Executive Committee shall arrange for a meeting place where the members may bring their families and buy a meal at a reasonable cost.

Section 3.A written notice of each meeting shall be mailed to each member not less than two (2) days prior to the meeting, giving the time, date, and place of the meeting.

Section 4.A regular Branch meeting will be held each month of the year with the exception of the month of December. The Christmas party will count as the meeting for the month of December, and will count toward meeting the conditions for receiving branch funds to attend District meetings, and State and National Convention.



Section 1.The officers of this Branch will not be compensated for the performance of their duties.



Section 1.This Branch may sponsor an annual Christmas party in December each year for the pleasure of its members and their families. The Branch may also sponsor an annual cookout in the month of August or September of each year. These two (2) events shall be held in cooperation with the Auxiliary of Branch 45.

Section 2.Sufficient copies of the Constitution and by-laws shall be printed and provided to all members and applicants approved for membership by the Secretary within ten (10) days after approval of their application.

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