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The Musketets' Maze of Maddness!!

The Musketets!!!!!!!!!

Our Pages

Emily's Page!
Tina's Page!
Amy's Page!
Jenn's page

Hello!! Welcome of our slightly weird and somewhat demented page that not only reflects who we are but what we're about. We hope you enjoy the way we represent ourselves.
For those of you out there who dont understand words with more than 5 letters... We have just told you hey and to enjoy our weird page about us. READ THIS OVER AGAIN IF YOU NEED TO. There is no shame in being dense. count the letters.... they stay at your 5 letter limit.

Now that we have warmly welcomed you into our twisted maze of mass confusion (now that we said hey) I guess the only thing to do is take you through the first level of our labrynth.
If you will look below, I will introduce you to the first member of the Musketets.
This is Amy! She is fun and nice and interesting. Sound like your sister? Well she could be easily adopted by any family and fit in with ANYONE. She is a kewl kristian and a kewl friend. She has been with the Musketets from the begining and shall be one forever!

This is Tina. She is so sweet and layed back... she hardly ever gets uptight.... which makes her a PERFECT member of an upbeat association such as ourselves. Tina is an awesome friend to have and we all feel lucky to have her with us.


This is Jenn! And on the other end of the phone, is one of her many admirers. The gus who call her usually have a monthly phone bill from ***.** to ***.**. Freaky huh? Jenn has so many guys wrapped around her little finger... which is wrapped around the phone wire. Jenn is a special girl that is funny and nice. We are lucky to have her with us.

Last and least, there is Emily. Emily is a weird individual who invented the Musketets. Only a strange person such as her could create such a organization. Emily is a strange Kristian and has many plans for us. Don't mess with her though... she can be fun one minute and flip out the next! But in a good way.

feel the love

our pizza deliverers

Living Proof that idiots DO roam among us.
