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Welcome to Jenna and Karen's Quote page! Basically this page is full of one-liners and inside jokes that we thought were funny. Some are original thoughts by us or our friends (Most likely you all won't understand them) and the rest are song lyrics or movie lines we liked or are quotes taken from other pages on the web. Hopefully some of these will make you laugh!

-Jenna and I playing Space Picnic with (Na)Tasha

"Satan is in the house, he killed my mom and turned her into a bull" - From the Movie SLC Punk

"An opinion, what is that? Its just a different point of view" - From the song Your Winter by Sister Hazel

"It was summer. It was hot. Rachel was there. 'Oh look!' cried Ned. And the Kingdom was his forever.The End" - Scene from Friends

"Work it, Work it! Yes! Yes! Yes! No! Noooo!!!!" - Personal joke...You wouldn't get it

"It's just a party, Mr. Stratford" "And Hell is just a sauna.." - Scene from 10 Things I Hate About You between Bianca and Mr. Stratford

"If your friend is already dead, and being eaten by vultures, I think it's okay to feed some bits of your friend to one of the vultures, to teach him to do some tricks. But only if you're serious about adopting the vulture." - Jenna got this from a website

"Always mess with their minds" - From our friend Ashley's favorite movie Empire Records

"Undress the cone and put it back on the truck..." - From the TV series "In a Heartbeat"

"...Sometimes fires don't go out when your done playing with them..." - From the song SugarHigh by Coyote Shivers, on the Empire Records soundtrack

"Cotton Weary......who's that?" - Karen in one of her slow moments

"....he saw me through the window and stopped like 'oh my god I've lost her!' and then he pressed his whole face up against the window and was like 'NNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!' and he was totally checking me out!" - If I told you who said this I'd have to kill do you wanna know?

"All I need is an eye and a butt cheek and I'm good" - Our friend Kristine on the sexiest guy we ever met

"Cheerleaders are dancers that have gone retarded" - The choreographer in Bring It On

"These are not spirit fingers.....these are spirit fingers" - Another one from the choreographer in Bring It On

"Just picturing him with no shirt on is enough to induce me to growl and scream and kick the air" - Kristine again on the same guy as above

"Somebody's had a little too much crack today" - Jenna's brother about our friend Ashley

"Your ball is stuck" - The machine at The Park it was really funny you had to be there

"Damn these cracky crabs!!!" - Also at the park. Were gonna beat that high score someday damnit!

"Why does Sea World have a seafood restaurant? I'm halfway through my fishburger and I realize, Oh my God....I could be eating a slow learner." - Ashley got this quote off of some webpage. We just thought it was funny

"To rock, is to Live. Let's Rock!" - Matt Bivins from the band Jump, Little Children

"You are now carrying my child." "but how?" "i don't know it is the mystery of the dance." - This funny scene from The Simpsons

"I'm always wondering where these people come from. Where they came from, and how many of them have had sex on this plane. Either surrounded by the other passengers or in the tiny bathrooms. This subject always fascinates me when I'm on planes or trains or even the Empire State Building. Because you KNOW that someone has had sex, in your very seat, sometime in the history of the plane." - Matt Bivins

"Mark our words, our next tour will include our own Fly Girls, bopping and bobbing around the stage as we sing. I’m going to write a song tonight called “Mmmm... Me Wants to Eat dat Bootie” and it will be a hit and we’ll never be an obscure struggling Southern band again. No NO NO. Yes yes YES. - Matt Bivins

"At first I thought the guy with the eyes was sexy...then I started to get scared." - A girl who was talking to one of the Train guys about Matt

"...I really hate her. I'll think of a reason later..." - In the Lee Ann Womack 'I'll Think Of A Reason Later'. It describes so many people I know."

"You've got to help me!! Death is gonna get me and I don't trust those cowboys." - Homer in this really funny episode of The Simpsons where he hasn't slept in a long time cause he thinks he's gonna die very soon

"Acoustic a...cue...stick (making movements as if she is playing pool), get it?" - Karen trying to say acoustic when she couldn't talk

"Hey, Buddy, this is a family place. Put the mouse back in the house." - Gunther from Friends when a guy Phoebe's dating is showing a little more in the shorts area than one person wants to see.

"He's been bench-pressing Evan to get buff." - about Ward, found on Seven Days a J,LC site. The whole site is awesome so check it out.

"Backstage we shmoozed with our heroes a little bit (we were all pretty shy, actually) and Ward and I developed a crush on Jakob Dylan. The boy is fine." - In one of JLC's old journals it told about how they got to meet The Wallflowers and how Matt and Ward developed crushes on Jakob Dylan. This scared us quite a bit but we got over it. Any way we found this very humerous cause Karen happens to also have a crush on Jakob Dylan, which is not so scary.

"You are speaking to the little children and telling them to jump. You are not jumping little children." - This was found on Seven Days

"Now, what does that mean? Are you pointing a gun at the children and screaming 'JUMP, damn you!' or is it a nice request?" - This also was found on Seven Days

"Andre. Actor, dancer, homosexual." - This is Andre in the movie 'But I'm A Cheerleader'

"He's, like, flaming gay!" - This was Jenna talking about the guy mentioned above.

"You know how you throw your jacket on a chair at the end of the day?""Yeah""Well, instead of a jacket, it's a pile of garbage, and instead of a chair, it's a pile of garbage, and instead of the end of the day, it's the end of time and garbage is all that has survived""Well, why don't you take her to your place?""She says it has a weird smell""Like what?""I don't know, soap?" - Ross on Friends when he dates Cheryl (Rebecca Romajn Stamos)

"Jesus Christ, Man!!!! There's some things you just don't talk about in public!!!" - From the Movie Mallrats in the 'Plane Crash Story'

"Only if it's Evan" - Ashley on Evan. She was at Karen's house checking e-mail when Karen got a bunch of porn spam. Karen said "Oh I don't want to see this" and Ashley replied with the above.

"But Karen, Ward has people in his pelvic movements that you would not believe" - Jenna (We were playing with Jenna's video camera and Ashley decided to give Karen a funny line to say. So then Jenna replied with this. The whole thing was in monotone and it took twenty minutes to do it without everyone cracking up in the middle.)

"Matt is just sex on a stick in tight, tight, tight pants." - Karen (This was Karen's line in the short comedy mentioned above. Remember folks it was in monotone. Let's see if you can do it.)

"Yea, I don't think you need a shirt that says,'I had sex with my husband's brother.'" - Ashley (at lunch we were talking about the 'I had sex with Evan Bivins' shirts and well Karen likes Matt and long story)

"Come on, don't you all just want to jump him?" - Angela (our friend after her first Jump experience asking the group members on their opinion of Matt)

"Oh yea... it's our morning ritual." - Ward (this was ward's answer to the above question)

"She's recovering from all the sex last night!" - Karen (She was trying to explain to our friends the cause of Jenna's slowness. We had been to a J,LC concert the night before.)

"Augh, stop it! Your dropping the sex all over the floor." - Jenna (talking to Ashley when she droped some pictures of J,LC on the floor)

"His legs are puny and childlike." "He must take after Evan." - Jenna (about a picture of Matt, the second part was an afterthought)

We're a long long long way from home

~ Shooting at the Stars ~ Wayne ~