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Welcome To My World

For everyone who doesn't know, my name is Heather, and this is my homepage.

I'm 26, my birthday is August 1, I have short brown hair and hazel eyes, a dimple in each cheek, and long eyelashes. I'm divorced, for starters, but that shouldn't matter to anyone, if it does that's your problem not mine. My favorite colors are hunter green and purple. My favorite past times are playing and watching sports, seeing movies, dancing, reading, hanging out with friends, spending time at the beach and the mountains, and spending time with my family. Unfortunately my job takes up a lot of my time so going out and socializing is kind of hard at times. My favorite food would have to be chicken. My friends and family constantly tease me saying I'm going to turn into a chicken one day. I'm definitely a southern girl. I've been raised in Alabama almost my entire life, with a short time in Mississippi, and I have a deep southern accent. I'm currently in a relationship with a real sweet guy named Mike. We have been together for over two years, and we have so much fun together and we get along great. He makes me very happy and I do love him a great deal and I'm so happy to be with him.

Now let me tell you what that picture is at the top of the page. That's my little she devil. Now, I'm always being told by family and friends that I'm trouble, so you could say that I can be a little "she devil" and evil at times. I like to have fun is all, and every once in awhile "trouble" is a good thing I think.

I'm a big sports fan, love watching and playing. I'd have to say that football is my favorite, especially college football. My favorite college team is definitely University of Alabama Crimson Tide (ROLL TIDE ROLL). My favorite team in the NFL would have to be the Green Bay Packers the NFL. Yes I'm from Alabama, and I'm a cheesehead. Now I do pull for other teams like New Orleans Saints, Atlanta Falcons, and Jacksonville Jaguars. Favorite baseball team would have to be the Atlanta Braves. I don't really have a favorite NBA team, just like watching those games from time to time. Oh, I also watch WWE wrestling, yeah it's more entertainment than sports, but it's fun to watch. The Rock is my favorite wrestler hands down. My brother and Benji got me hooked on watching it several years ago.

I love music, I'll listen to just about anything. I especially like it if I can dance to it. I listen to everything from country to Limp Bizkit and Kid Rock to classical to relax. People tell me I look like Natalie Maines from The Dixie Chicks, look at my pictures and you tell me.

I'm definitely an animal person. I have 2 cats, Luna and Tiger, they're sisters. Luna is all black and bushy tailed, Tiger is gray striped. I also have one dog, she's a border collie and her name is Meena.

About movies, well I love watching any Disney movie, they have to be my favorites next to the James Bond movies. I also like the Star Wars movies and just a whole bunch of others that I won't list cause it will take to much time. I do like some horror movies, but they can be iffy at times for me to watch. It's not that they're scary, it's just I'm not always into the gore and the way they portray the people in it. I mean they have them do some of the stupidist things in these movies. So that's a big reason why they're iffy to me. I'm also a big fan of action movies, and yes I do like watching a good "chick flick".

I'm big into reading as well. I really like the Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice. I also read a lot of poetry and classical literature by William Shakespeare. I'm really comfortable curling up on a couch or bed to read a good novel.

Some friends who deserve their name on this page are: Eric (one of my bestest buds in the world), Tom (my bubba), Stormy (Tom's wife), Brian L. (one of my oldest and best friends), Tamisha (my big sis), Shari, Brina, Benji, Darren, Dara, Jennifer, Beatrice, Trey, Marcia, Shawn, Deraux, Sarah, Camey, Amanda, Randy, Tad, Jamie, Dale, Erin (Scott's fiance), my brother Scott, my cousin Andrea.

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