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Fashion Tips by LaRKiN

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MAKE AN ENTRANCE: Be an accessory VIXEN. Carry a unique handbag. Wear jewelry to accent the mood you're in. Be independent with your style. Most importantly, just be comfortable with being YOU.

GET MOTIVATED: Pamper yourself to feel more confident. Confidence is your best ensemble. To feel more alive - try adding fragrance to you life. Perfumes, lotions, and bubble baths keep you feeling cool and confident all day long.

REINFORCEMENTS: Hair brush, powder brush, and chapstick. These are must-haves for ladies on the go.

FIND SOMEONE TO LOVE: They can be your *BEST* accessory. To find that special someone **Check out this great site**


last updated - March 2001

Enjoy: If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions - please sign the fashion guestbook. If you need fashion help right away... please.. send me an email. Hehehehe have fun and excuse any spelling errors.

The tips are divided in groups of 10; #1-tacky, #2-duh, #3-you did what, #4-clash, #5-no no no, #6-hello, and #7-not me, never.


#1 Don't wear colored shoe laces. Way out of syle. #2 If you're over 5'10 - no platform shoes! #3 Don't wear your senior shirt after you graduate. #4 If you have big calf muscles, don't wear knee socks. #5 Only wear a choker if your shirt is low cut. #6 Banana clips are OUT. #7 Wear sunblock - burnt skin is totally out. #8 When you wear black - put your deo on last - HELLO. #9 More than two key rings is TACKY. #10 Bell bottoms and flaired jeans are in..but only if they aren't dragging the ground.


#1 Keep breath mints handy. Bad breath can ruin a great ensemble. #2 Lots of change in your pocket..not attractive. #3 Keep a change of clothes handy. You never know what may happen. #4 If you wear white - be causious of whats around you. #5 Always double check your outfit in a mirror before you leave the house. #6 Only wear concert shirts at the concerts. #7 A watch goes with almost everything except to many bracelets on the same arm. #8 If you break one nail, cut the others or have the one fixed at a sallon. #9 If your face is shiney, always keep a powder brush handy. #10 For beautiful shiney lips. CHAPSTICK. duh.


#1 If your toes are visible, paint them and keep them trimmed. #2 Fitted t-shirts are always in. #3 If you don't have time to iron jeans, throw them in the dryer while you shower. #4 If something seems uncomfortable at home - it will only get worse, so CHANGE. #5 Body glitter should only be worn on the neck, arms, and the tummy. #6 If your skin tone is pale, stay away from bright pink lipstick. #7 To impress a guy; wear something sleeveless. It's sexy and you don't have to worry about sweat marks. #8 For a pimple under the skin - massage around the area and it won't pop up. Pimples never match anything. #9 For a pimple that's already there..put toothpaste over it. #10 Dont' rub your eyes if you are wearing mascara.

Group 4 "CLASH"

#1 Sandles aren't meant to be worn with socks...sorry. #2 If you are wearing something tight, make sure your undies don't show. Try a thong or undies with thinner elastic. #3 Have your eyebrows professionaly done. Don't try it at home. #4 Do Not bite your not attractive. #5 Spandex-I think not. #6 Have a friend help you pick out your sunglasses. #7 Make sure your handbag matches your outfit. You don't wanna CLASH. #8 A water bottle is a good accesory--just something to cling to when meeting new peeps. #9 Don't color your hair more that once a month...causes dryness..not pretty. #10 Ummm.. stay away from sunless tanners before a big date. Some take a few days to even out.

Group 5 NO NO NO

#1 Try not to cut yourself shaving, bandaids tend not to be in style. #2 Please don't fix your underwear in public. #3 Never put bandaids over your nipples. If you have this problem...wear a thicker bra. #4 Check your teeth after you eat. Need I say more? #5 Don't pick your teeth in public. #6 If it's that time of the month and you are worried about leakage-wear two pair of undies. Only YOU will know. #7 Black dress. Always a winner..but please, black shoes ONLY. #8 With a halter top-wear a strapless bra to enhance your breasts. #9 Clear deoderant was made for a reason. Catch my drift? #10 If you are overweight-long skirts slim your figure.

Group 6 "HELLO"

#1 DON'T TIGHT ROLL YOUR JEANS! #2 Make sure your nail polish matches your outfit. #3 Chipped nail polish is a no-no. #4 On white shoes-nail polish remover takes away scuff marks. #5 Clear nail polish will stop the run in pantyhose. #6 Don't go in public with a noticable run. #7 To look nice and be comfortable-a red shirt and black bottoms can never go wrong. #8 To stay cool-don't wear leather or poleyester. Very hot. #9 Only wear red shoes if you wear a red top-you don't wanna over do it. #10 Make sure there's no toothpaste on your clothes before you leave.

Group 7 "NOT ME, NEVER"

#1 If you wear an animal print outfit-carry a solid colored handbag. You don't wanna OVER DO IT. #2 Don't wear a headband if you have a high hairline or forehead. #3 Make sure the headband matches if you do decide to wear one. #4 Don't wear a turtle neck if you have a double chin. It only pulls the attention where you least want it. #5 Always double check your zipper. #6 Don't wear boots with shorts. #6 Don't write on your skin. #7 Don't wear cartoon characters if you wanna be taken seriously. #8 If you are overweight. Don't wear horizontal stripes. #9 Vertical stripes make you look taller and thinner. #10 A nice casual outfit ~ that's simple, it would be blue-jeans and a nice button up shirt.

WHAT DID YA THINK? sign the guestbook and pass this page on to someone that may need help or someone that may just need a good laugh. Coming soon is the Exclusive Fashion Gallery. ***Ta~Ta, LaRKin***


Hook up with the SaNDeL SCaNDaL. Let those toes show. The toe rings are the thing. Be sure to go out and grab some this summer. What else is in? COLOR! Be sure to keep those toe nails painted. Be ARTsY - use your "signature" color. Wanna be different? Paint each toe nail a different color. You can also be sophisticated. Stick with the simple everyday mauve. Trendy Cindy..purples and blues are in for this summer. Last but not least. R*E*D .. irresistible-always a winner.

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LaRKiNS LuV CoNNeCTioN ~ Click below for MaTCHMaKeR.

copyright 2001 laura k

END NOTE: If you still have trouble with your fashion--watch Breakfast at Tiffanys. Audrey Hepburn is fabulous. Her style is incredible. Check out her clothes, accessories, hair, and her charisma. Simply dazzling.

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Fashion Related Sites: Enjoy!

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GUESS - Awesome site. Awsome clothes.
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One word...Sensational. Check out ArmanieExchange
Fabulous magazine! Lots of great tips. Marie Claire mag.
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