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The Forgotten Hero


Hi! If you're here it's probably because you're a friend of mine in real life or I've chatted with you on Yahoo Messenger. I'm Kallie and this is my pathetic attempt at a web page. There's not a whole lot here right now. I'm new at doing this sort of thing so my progress is slow.

Here's a little about me, if you're interested. I'm 25 years old, I live in Alabama, and I'm back in school after a few years working as a dancer/choreographer/actor working on a BA in box office and theater management. I love theater, dance, money, smoking cigarettes, sleeping late, hanging out with my friends, the beach, beer, tequilla, reading scripts and fantasy novels, movies, day dreaming, computer games, and playing D&D.

I'm looking for an online game, preferably 3rd edition, but I'll take what I can get. If you play online and would like to add someone new to your group, please EMAIL ME! I'm in gaming withdrawal. You can see what's new around here by looking below.

on ???

Posted May 3, 2001:

Well, it looks like the game has come together. It looks like we've got a great group and I'm excited about getting started next Wednesday. You can find the General Game Information by clicking here.

Posted May 2, 2001:

After a couple of good gaming sessions I've found a need to update the local area map. Here's the update.

Posted May 1, 2001:

I worked up a map for the "starter" area. I should be able to squeeze two or three adventures out of this area. The map is in 8 mile hexes. You can look at it by clicking here.

Posted May 1, 2001:

I'm probably going to regret this but I guess I'm about to sink a whole lot of time into trying to run and organize an online campaign. I can't seem to find a DM who is willing to run a 3rd edition game on an IRC server, so I'm about to bite the bullet and start one up myself.

For those of you who might be interested in playing, you'll need a few things. First, and foremost, you'll need a Players Handbook. Second, you'll need to go and download the mIRC chat client if you don't already have it. You can find it here. You'll want to download the 32 bit version, mIRC 5.9. Oh, and if you're using AOL you're screwed. I've heard that the IRC servers don't allow AOL users to connect. Don't ask me why.

After you get mIRC, connect to the server and go to the channel #Dungeons_And_Dragons_3E. You'll find me there. Email me if you have any questions. I'll post more information as I think it up... :)
