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"...the wonderful editorials, (more insight there than in several companion volumes I shall not name)..."
- J.K. Rowling (JKRowling.com)

Active Columns

The North Tower by Maline Fredén

Seeking to put the light of analysis to any mystery; to dig deep and find the treasures, hidden carefully beneath many layers of literary soil

The U-Bend

Editorials about the HP books, movies and theories.

The Magic Quill

A weekly interactive fanfic column where you can inspire the next original tale of wizardry. All you have to do is drop us a note in 150 words or less, describing your idea. The Magic Quill does the rest!

The Burrow

A cozy place where ideas meet

Inactive Columns

Gryffindor Tower by Dan Hoppel
A regular column about the HP Universe and our place in it

The Pensieve by Josh Smith

An editorial column about anything in the Harry Potter Universe

The Quibbler by Erin Linn

Completely Looney to Satisfy Your Crazy Theories



Editorials Archive
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