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Demento's Residence


Greetings to all and a hello to everyone. Thanks for coming to my page. I sincerely hope you enjoy it.
As you should now know, I am Demento. Below you will find where to go to learn more about me, if you so desire. For now I will leave you be, and allow you to venture around my page. Hope you enjoy your visit! Thanks! *smiles*

The Onion, America's Finest News Source

**Due to termination of EZPoll's FREE service, I will no longer have the poll on my Website. Sorry!**

Smoke Free

"In the midst of life we are in death."

Today is:

days till my classes start again.

Morty the Death's Head
(according to average life spans)

Uncle Hyman

Oral Sex Donations Accepted
Ohhhh yeahhhh. >:)

PlayBoy Bunny

click to take it!

About Me
Contact Me
My Dead Journal
Halloween 2002
Generate Your Own ASCII Text
Chat Friends
Love Quotes
Serial Killers
Who'll Take the Son?
(a wonderful and inspiring story)
Pictures of Friends (In the works)
Likes (under construction)
Dislikes (under construction)
Puzzles for Blondes
Useless (or not so useless) Facts
Play Bubble Puzzle!
Love Tester

The following are sections on Christa's page. That means that if you visit one of the following and click to return to the home page, you will go to Christa's page instead of this one. To return to this page, just use your browser's "back" button. Here are those areas:
Snowman Fun
Pictures of Me
My Sweetheart
Mary's Lamb
Poetry Corner

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No Awards

Human Tested

Smiley Award

PlayBoy Bunny

The Onion, America's Finest News Source


the best way to be

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