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[As a member of the TTT, Smiley fills out reports about the battles that he and the others have been in. These eyewitness accounts help the scientists behind Cheese Curl University program the Twirl, which brings you better super heroes. While going over one such account, I found Smiley's entry a bit different from the rest. He'd taken the time to rhyme it. And he didn't miss one detail. That's a bad man. A Smiley Face Man. -Jarrod Kent]Cheese curls are seriously, have me talking deliriously, you doubt me? let me tell you about a saga, an interlinked drama, between the TTT and the Bugle guardian, we were patrolling, patty rolling, and Poop was holding the stench nimbus megaton rocket scooter, you know the one with automatic poop shooter? and then we came to the Bugle building, when I caught a feeling, and Toast did too he got that same thought, that we were in danger so Frosty stopped, and he grabbed Poop, and just then the earth began to move, we looked up it was a giant robot with the talking features, and was having what looked like walking seizures, just then we met the incredible hunk, and we realized that we were in deep junk, the robot was against us and so was the big yellow guy, and all we had was Poop and he was trying to fly, away and get help yeah right, he was going to be Batman and run into the night, I said smiley power up and took off after the robot, Frosty said toastasize and while Poop cleared his nose of some snot, i was attacking with everything I had, but anything he was doing was bad, counteractive to what i was trying to accomplish, so I said Poop I need help capisce? Poop nodded and stench nimbus ollied his way to the wanna be transfomer, while Frosty ripped the Hunks leg warmer, and was puttin the smackdown, in our town, with whatever he found, cars trucks and old ladies with gold teeth, he grabbed them and yelled hit Keith!! and then me and Poop was grappling with the giant fiend, who had more missiles and bullets than can be believed, when we heard an interdimensional tear, and turned around to see Wrasslor standing there, we said who are you he said hi, i'm Wrasslor a robot slaying kinduva guy, he pulled out the biggest sword i've ever seen, and with one fell swoop he destroyed that mechanical fiend, it was like some kinda dream, i didn't know what to say, but Poop did he said you saved the day, are you an employed superhero by the way, he just shook his head and bid us both a good day, meanwhile Frosty was struggling, with the Hunk and he wasn't succeeding, in getting a victory without the help he was needing, Poop pulled out the Titanium pooper scooper of ultimate piles, and yelled at Frosty clear the Aisles!! Frosty jumped back and Hunk tried to attack, but he was hit with enough poop to make your stomach churn, i think his did cause i saw his lunch come out on the upturn, the turnpike the middle of the street, is what i mean, he just groaned and bowed his head in defeat, we had won and we had a new member, everything was cool since like December, but thats all i can remember, TTT 4 LIFE!!!close the doors!!!

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