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Bowhunters of Alabama Tournament Rules

A) Illegal Equipment in Classes:

B) Equipment:

C) All Equipment - particularly those not covered above must be brought to the BHA State Committee before beginning the tournament for judgment of legality.

D) Equipment Failure Procedure: The shooter will be allowed to replace or repair equipment, shoot a few arrows in the practice area, and then be allowed to resume shooting. The shooters group will wait for the shooter to return. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for replacement or repair. Shooters may only use this rule once per tournament.

E) The State Tournament Committee Consist of:

F) Range and Targets:

ONE GREEN SHOOTING STAKE: Maximum thirty five (35) yards for: Senior Bowhunter, Bowhunter, Barebow,and Barebow Limited.

ONE BLUE SHOOTING STAKE: Maximum twenty five (25) yards for: Recurve, Longbow, and Juniors.

ONE ORANGE SHOOTING STAKE: Maximum fiftenn (15) yards for: Youth.

ONE WHITE SHOOTING STAKE: Maximum five (5) yards for: Cubs.

G) Age Groups:

H) Divisions of Shooting:

I) Classes:

J) Scoring:

K) Grouping:

L) Shooting Rules:

M) Trophies:

N) Starting Time:

O) Safety Rules:

P) Profits:

Q) Maximum Yardage of each Stake:

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