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ASMLA Pictures

Pictures of ASMLA Members

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Bill Hall

Chuck and YT Taking it Easy.

Group Picture

Jim Philpot

Joyce Gladden

JP Handing Out Awards.

Sam Gladden

Sandra, Joan, and Ken

This Rifle was given away (by Riffle) at one of the Matches in 1999

Click to on the Picture to enlarge.

Side View

View of the Stock

Front View

Rear View

Some of the moments from last year's matches

Click to on the Picture to enlarge.

Big Eddie can't believe he won one.

Bill, Van, Tim & Sam, Sam won Championship.

Custom knife made by Gene Swader for raffle.

Custom Riffle by Jim Parker for raffle.

Larry, Katfish & Mac are winners.

Perry giving Bill an award.

Perry giving Jeremy an award.

Ready to give out awards.

Rick & Danny are winners.

Rick & Jack are winners.

Waiting on the award ceremony.

Bill asking Eddie, are you sure powder then ball.

Eddie thinking that he wished Greg wouldn't watch so close.

Greg keeping a close eye on Eddie.

Perry, Ms. Franklin, & Jared.

Sam, Norman & Ken 98 State Champions.

Tim taking close aim.

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