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"Awakening" by Vincent O'Byrne


Lost In Thought

Strangers to the touch
Lovers in the heart
Imagination the playground

Vivid images of touching bodies
Warm, wet, deep kisses
Tongues paired in a romantic dance

Hands running longingly
Up and down wanting bodies
Hot breath against her ear
Warm tongue caressing his lips

Searching out the mysteries of the flesh
Soft spots unearthed
Passions unleashed
Faster goes the pace
Penetration, undulation, fascination
Deeper inside, higher the ride

Fervor, mania, love ready to explode
Hands grasping, teeth biting, nails sliding
Kisses sloppy, sweat rolling, mind blowing

Beautiful, hot, vivid images
Perfection, anticipation, adoration...

Jacie 10/2001