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What's in a name?

My name is Alexander Robert Livingstone. However, no one calls me this, I just go by Alex, my Dad calls me Alexander, and my Mum uses my chinese name. Or, if I'm working at the ULU bar, I go by the name of Al, due to a surplus of Alexes down there. But I don't mind; I can then pretend to be a spy ( a bit sad, I know ). It's true; your name identifies you, and by using a different name you feel different too, like a new person.

But I digress. This is to be the first page of my website. Why do I need a website? Okay, I don't NEED a website. But this is a way of practising my HTML and website making, and my Mum always said that I needed a diary. I'm not going to hand out it's address freely either; and I'll try my best to keep it off of search engines. So here it is; make of it what you will.

My favorite websites - USA basketball

Eric shows an emotion- Hilarious!

Olga - Guitar Tab search engine

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