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Name: Yukito Tsukishiro
Seiyuu: Megumi Ogata
Birthday: December 25
Blood type: AB
Favorite class: Math
Least favorite class: None
School club: None
Favorite color: White
Favorite flower: Hepatica
Favorite food: Anything
Least favorite food: None
Best dish: Curry, stew
Most wanted: A new lunchbox

Yukito is Touya's best friend. He is a very kind person.
Touya calls him by the nickname "Yuki."
According to Sakura, he is smart, and he can do anything.
He eats a lot, 3 times the amount Touya eats.
His name "Yukito" means snow rabbit.

Mistress: Sakura Kinomoto
Birthday: Secret (different from Yukito's)
Symbol: Moon
Attribute: Ying (Darkness)
Eyes: Purple silver
Hair: Silver and long
School of Sorcery: Eastern
Favorite food: doesn't eat anything
Favorite thing: Sleep
Least favorite thing: Troublesome things
False shape: Yukito Tsukishiro

Yue is the judge for the approval of Sakura's ownership
of the Clow Cards. After that, Yue saw Eriol and
realize that he is Clow Read. But Eriol erase his
memory. Yue likes Clow very much, and he doesn't
understand why Clow tells Sakura to be his mistress.

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