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Name: Tomoyo Daidouji
Seiyuu: Junko Iwao
Birthday: September 3
Blood type: A
Favorite class: Music, Japanese
Least favorite class: None
School club: Choir
Favorite color: Beige, white
Favorite flower: Magnolia, cherry blossom
Favorite food: Soba (buckwheat) noodles, sushi
Least favorite food: Green pepper
Best dish: Italian dishes
Most wanted: A new video editor

Tomoyo is Sakura's best friend. She is a very gentle and polite girl,
whose hobby is to take videos -- not any video, but Sakura's video.
She makes all the costumes for Sakura to capture the Clow Cards as well.
She cares about Sakura, she seems to like her in a differnt way...
but all she wants is for Sakura to be happy. Sakura thinks that sometime Tomoyo is kinda weird.

Tomoyo's Gallery
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